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Re: points earned for your club

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 30 2017 6:46 AM (4 replies)
  • bnrbambam
    52 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 6:13 PM

    I have been doing my best to get one million points earned for my club, I have played over 440 days in a row. I am getting big numbers at the end of the game but, my question is how do the numbers get added to you club points? if you play 3 times a day, maybe the first time you play in the morning you play a cttp game and you get 14 points, then later that day you play 9 holes stoke play, at the end of the day you play what ever and after this many days in a row you get 2500 points for your club. which games are counted towards you working your way up to the million point level for your club, is it the first game of the next day or is it after your 24 hours is up to receive the most points for games played in a row? i have been at 999548 played three time today and was sure i was going to get over the one million mark but it did not happen. could some one please explain this to me?





  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 8:23 AM

    You get the Consecutive Days Played (CDP) bonus once per day. the bonus tied to you 440 day streak.  You get 14 XP for a CTTH round.  You will get 180 XP plus the stroke count and the CC bonus points for a 9 hole round, and 400 XP plus for an 18 hole round.  For the CC to get those you do have to use a CC pass, which I would guess you are doing.  

    So you are close.  I would wait until you are going to play your after the start of the new day and then you will get your CDP and that will put you over the 1M XP mark for your club.  I guess it's a pride thing for you, as your level 19 CC doesn't have anything to gain by getting those XP's.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 8:35 AM

    @prhed: Didn't see you post...


    @B. You, personally, receive different XPs for different games, and a bonus once a day for your 440 CDP. This has brought you to L101.

    Your CC will receive the same amount (+/- a few bonus %) if you are using a CC pass with a game. The best way to use it will be when you get the CDP, for the first game that you start after midnight GMT time. To be most effective, play a solo tournament game of 18 holes, but the bummer comes from the CDP itself, with the first shot of said game.

    In Canada, the new CDP day will start in the afternoon or evening, but there is a clock in the game client showing it exactly.

    If you use a CC pass when you see the red check mark there, you will contribute a lot to your CC.

    But, your CC is starting with L19, there is no incentive to rush except for the number itself - don't hustle, don't worry, and don't buy CC passes. NEVER!

    P.S. 14 XPs is for a CTTH game, while the 18 hole strokeplay tournament gets you 400 + number of strokes. Your CDP should be in the range of 2,200. Big benefit coming at 500 CDPs.


  • bnrbambam
    52 Posts
    Fri, Jun 30 2017 6:44 AM

    Thanks for your reply, phred952 !


  • bnrbambam
    52 Posts
    Fri, Jun 30 2017 6:46 AM

    Thanks for your reply alosso!
