Ok, I love the game. It's a great fix for my winter golf blues. I am (I think) getting a good handle on the intricacies of the game dynamics... but somethings have flummoxed me.
Sand shots. If I were on my regular course and hit my approach into the sand, I would open my stance and swing twice as hard as I think I should, just to get out and on. Here, in the sand, I am presented with a yardage parameter that in no way reflects what the sand wedge is capable of when I swing. I cannot guage relative distance with the sand wedge, between lie (buried) and distance. I am either moving the ball 2 inches or completely flying the green... ./shudder.
Come to think of it, the chips and pitches are basically the same. The yardage given for those shots is not indicative of how far I can expect them to go.
Have I missed something? Does anyone have a tip or two on these types of shots that will allow me to do well in this arena?
I played my first ranked game today, and if you don't count the 3 holes that I had to use a chip/pitch/sand, I was under par. Therefore, I can recognize that this is my Achilles' Heel for WGT.
Thank you so much for your attention... and thank you developers for keeping my golf-blood flowing.