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Tue, Jul 25 2017 7:01 AM (16 replies)
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  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 1:55 PM


    No mention of the wind if it is pretty heavy slight variations will give mixed results


    more importantly no mention of the course even


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Jul 22 2017 2:20 PM

    more importantly no mention of the course even

    Additionally, he makes a post and then ignores the thread.


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Jul 23 2017 1:53 AM

    more importantly no mention of the course even

    St. Andy's, #8, front pin. 

    James, if you weren't crap at playing this game, you would've known, that there is no chance in hell to get close to that hole with a starter ball in tailwind. 160 y club is too short, but if you're lucky, to catch just enough rough on the landing, it'll come out and roll somewhere, where you can have a chance to hole a mid range, putt. Well, maybe not you, but certainly those who know how to putt ;-) But the 175y shot will ALWAYS roll a mile long. If you want any chance to get close to that pin, either get some balls, (better ones), or wait for a head wind ;-)


  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 6:15 AM

    i do not ignore the replies just the ones from the trolls who are tryign to make themselves feel better :)...

    i have yet to fimd any answers to my post which explain the question being asked imo....

    most just like to make what they concider to be funny remarks because they cant explain the question put...

    to answer if i was crap atthe game i would not be legend .....maybe i dont understand 100% but i am far from crap

    thr trolls seem to think the game is perfect but there are numerous bugs which the choose to turn a blind eye toi....but oh well....i will soldier on with it in hope they might fix it someday..:)

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 6:22 AM

    i do not ignore the replies just the ones from the trolls who are tryign to make themselves feel better :)...

    Not to put too fine a point on it, until now, you didn't reply to anyone. And there were some substantive responses. And I asked you a simple question that you never answered.

    I guess you're not obligated to respond. But if you're not going to respond to people, why are you posting at all?

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 6:27 AM

    i have yet to fimd any answers to my post which explain the question being asked imo....

    Unfortunately that's your job and you didn't do it very well, and that makes answering it difficult.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Jul 25 2017 7:01 AM

    James: looking at you issues several thoughts come to mind. When I use the white rocks I am aware that I am going to have far more inconsistencies with flight, distance ,and roll than when I use a higher level Nike ball. First I know that with a long iron the starter ball will not bite and release but simply hit and roll. I don't know the performance values of the level 80 Nike irons but am sure this is the case.

    Second: I would like to know if you use the tee shot data information? This can be a great tool, especially in practice mode where you can hit the exact same shot over  and over. Given that wind can and distance can change between rounds, using the mulligan feature in practice mode will help YOU to identify the best approach to this or any shot that you face. For us here in the forum to give you tips while not wrong, might not fit with your style of play.

    I generally try to take every forum posting as a serious inquiry and I try to be helpful. If you do want in game help; playing with others while using skype, or some other audio communication method, allows you talk about possible approaches to particular shots that  they or you are facing.

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