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Cleaning up old forum threads

Fri, Jul 28 2017 3:40 AM (0 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Jul 28 2017 3:40 AM

    Hello all,

    a while back I got Icon to pin a few threads for me in the club forum, they were long running tournament threads that I wanted to stay near the top.  Now those tournaments are over they're just taking up space.  Obviously I could just delete the first post and get rid of the whole thing but a few pinned threads are useful so I'd rather reuse them for then next time we run a long tournament.

    Which brings me to my question, is there a way of deleting posts that doesn't end up with you being directed to the Oops! page?  I've tried entering a properly worded reason for the deletion in the dialogue box, not selecting replies be deleted (makes it a very slow process) but most of the time I get the error screen and have to go beck to the club, forum, thread and click a new post.  Which greatly adds to the time required, especially as some threads are 40+pages.

    If there isn't any trick to this I may give up and just delete them altogether, as long as people are posting in them fairly regularly they should stay on page 1 at least.

    Thanks  : )