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Re: Drop area's

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Tue, Aug 1 2017 5:44 AM (6 replies)
  • gyrene120
    595 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 5:58 AM

    Wgt , You need to revise your drop area's accordingly to the rules of golf.. A drop area is defined as relief after hitting into a hazard,  and or relief  from hazard on a line back towards the tee or nearest point of relief. NOT having us drop in a sand trap or weeds that are up to our knees.. Only thing I can say from what you give us in our games, we gonna get them to buy more balls.HOW about fixing That. If anything needs fixing that does.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 6:30 AM

    Actually, while I am by no means an expert on the rules of golf, I don't believe you're correct that the rules define a drop area the way you describe.

    Under the local rules section, however, dropping zones are defined. It appears to me that WGT is adhering to those rules, implicitly claiming that "it is not feasible or practicable to proceed exactly in conformity" with rules governing water hazards (i.e. 26-1). See below.

    Yes, you are absolutely correct that WGT does not provide players with all the options that one would have if playing in real life. But I don't think it would be practical for them to do so. For example, I have to be believe that allowing players to go back on a line as far as they would like to drop the ball just would not work.

    So, yes, I agree: they don't have it exactly correct. But I have to disagree that fixing it is a priority at all.

    6. Dropping Zones

    The Committee may establish dropping zones on which balls may or must be dropped when the Committee considers that it is not feasible or practicable to proceed exactly in conformity with Rule 24-2b or Rule 24-3 (Immovable Obstruction), Rule 25-1b or 25-1c (Abnormal Ground Conditions), 25-3 (Wrong Putting Green), Rule 26-1 (Water Hazards and Lateral Water Hazards) or Rule 28 (Ball Unplayable).

    Generally, such dropping zones should be provided as an additional relief option to those available under the Rule itself, rather than being mandatory.

    Using the example of a dropping zone for a water hazard, when such a dropping zone is established, the following Local Rule is recommended:"If a ball is in or it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the water hazard (specify location), the player may:

    (i) proceed under Rule 26-1;


    (ii) as an additional option, drop a ball, under penalty of one stroke, in the dropping zone.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 8:15 AM

    Other than the individual relief spots for each player from hazards etc, drop areas may be set up (almost) wherever the Committee wants.

    The game does not know "relief" according to the various rules, it always gives drop spots (areas of one ball's diameter), and some of them are so unfortunate, vulgo wrong, that they are no-gos in the real game. And, sometimes you receive a penalty stroke when none is included in the rules (abnormal ground).

    The worst IMHO is KIA #17, where you may have to hit out of rough over a long stretch of the lake - almost impossible. But, you can hit through the tree on CCC ?#11?

    About fixing, this has been a subject ever since I've been around. "Invisible branches" (another PITA) have been fixed but not the drop spots :(

    Complaint #46231 received, filed:


  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 9:20 AM

    We had a great laugh with this one


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Mon, Jul 31 2017 6:34 PM

    Hiya Ken

    I seem to remember putting you somewhere similar in an alt shot game, Pinehurst I think on one of the par 3s.
    I'm sure you'll appreciate this gem from the British Par3 Championships, using a wedge and a wood

    Right is wet!


  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2017 2:59 AM

    Agree with the OP that the drop options are sub-standard. There are many places where the game gives you a drop where no player in real life would take it - but would back up in a straight line to a decent lie.

    Is this not doable? It was doable on the old Links game, like a quarter-century ago, wasn't it?

    At least we should have the option of declining the offered drop and rehitting the shot (distance + penalty).

    Referring to the place where our ball is dropped as a "drop area" is I think the wrong choice of phrase by the OP,  as apparently none of these courses use drop areas, but the point is a valid one. 

    - Zag

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Aug 1 2017 5:44 AM

    There are many places where the game gives you a drop where no player in real life would take it - but would back up in a straight line to a decent lie.

    Is this not doable?

    It is, but it's complex. You need to establish that line from any point on the boundaries, check if a drop would be possible and give the players the choice where to drop. Imagine the visual effort to create all these situations and spots!

    Methinks that, from the very beginning, WGT decided against this procedure in the general approach that players should NEVER have a choice in the game. Instead, there are well-defined (but sometimes ugly) drop spots.

    It was only many years later that they included the Mulligan feature in practice games, showing that "stroke&distance" was feasible.