Just played a 3 holer (mobile) and was watching my apponent line up a 6 foot birdy putt when nag announced he took a gimme! From six foot???
The very next hole he got a gimme from just over five foot!
You must have played a hack or an amateur. They get gimmies on fairly long putts. Over the years, there have been a number of threads on this feature. Here's just one recent example:http://www.wgt.com/forums/p/481357/3276016.aspx#3276016
Guess it's been a while since I was, lol
You may have been in "Practice" mode
Three-hole matches on the mobile app are considered practice rounds. Which means if you score an ace, it won't count in your stats. Which also means hack can take gimmes up to, I believe 10 feet.
I played a "Hack" a few years ago who got a gimme from 16 feet and took it lol.
only the first 3 rooms i think have gimmes. it's certainly not all of them. Casablana is the first 3 hole room i think that doesn't have gimmes.