mkrizan86: But the score could've been legit, people have great rounds. We'll see if the same last day great round happens this month. Cause that would tell much more...
What it wasn't is a one off, round of a lifetime, sort of thing. The RR that preceded it won a Legend 200c rg, and these waters are only for the brave.
In fact the last 5 rounds listed have been in credit tournaments and have netted (on a quick count) $222.15 as that's out of a 7 year total of $230.16 so shows a change of focus, or something. At least he's a Canadian/Scot who'll pass on his good fortune to others, well women (or at least....).
mkrizan86: MP record is horrible
It looks even worse if you look at the players he has the biggest losing records to.
And none of the above proves anything untoward is happening :-)