Alrighty then.... so after perusing tons and tons of posts regarding the jumpy / skippy / inconsistent meter. What appears to be the most common responses is A. your pc/mac/toaster sucks and needs to be better and B. you have too many friends oh and C. it's your imagination.
So... I'm fairly certain my pc is of quite high enough quality as i can play anything else on it. However I do have over 200 friends when i was in the add everyone and their mother and their dog and such and notice that typically over 75 percent of them are always seemingly offline. According to most of the posts I need to just remove all but perhaps like 20 of my favorites and that should "theoretically" remedy that situation.
Alternately I understand that the game gets bogged down from the influx of players that come in during the day and it does seem to slow more in the afternoon being that this is a game primarily run on flash but just want to get the final verdict preferably from someone related to the WGT staff so I can get the story straight one way or another.
Lastly... if it is determined that the number of friends that you have is part of the problem therein lies another little issue... Going to every one of those 200 + friends just to hit remove from friends list appears to be quite a tedious affair. Any chance that the higher ups could perhaps put a edit friends option where you could select all you want gone and hit one button rather than navigating to many different pages to do the same thing? Just checking CHEERS