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Re: Adams Tight Lies L63 vs Calloway Steelhead Hyrbd L49

Tue, Sep 12 2017 4:11 PM (2 replies)
  • Sxwalsh550
    1 Posts
    Mon, Sep 11 2017 8:08 PM

    So I've been comparing these two clubs and for the most part they're very similar. The Calloway is cheaper, and slightly more forgiving, and this is what's throwing me for a loop. I rented them both for a side by side comparison and I noticed the weirdest thing ... even though the blue meter area for the Steelhead starts out larger as you'd expect, at full power it's the Adam's that now has the wider meter target!

    If that didn't make sense, I'm talking about the little limit lines to the right and left of the "ding" line on the meter. When you swing the Steelhead all the way back those lines shrink way in ... much farther than the Adams club's do. So even thought the Calloway is supposed to be more forgiving (4 to 4.5), when you're at full power it's the Adams that appears easier to hit.

    Can any guru's out there explain this to me? I'm stumped as to why this is.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 8:12 AM

    Im not a guru and I dont play using hybrids . But at the same time the stats for these 2 clubs is identical . The only differences are price meter speed .2 and yardages again slight 2 yards but nothing more . But you will have to take into consideration is that they are 2 different levels . This is why they will play differently which isnt on paper .

    The best thing for you to do is pick the one you like the best and be done with it . Dont ry to over think or put any more into it than is needed . You cant compare a L63 club to a L49 club and expect them to play the same way it wont happen . Also the area of the meter you are referring to , you wont be using so its not important .

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Tue, Sep 12 2017 4:11 PM

    My thought is neither. You will get much more use out of a 3rd wedge than any hybrid. Your 3 wood and irons punch out of all but the worse rough as well as a hybrid.   Many  of us at your level  and tier also dropped the  3 wood in favor of a 4th wedge.