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Re: I don`t believe it

Fri, Sep 15 2017 6:44 AM (26 replies)
  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 6:52 AM

    Seems you might be getting a dose of "gotcha."  LOL, believing Duda set that up.  :-D

    You got me Jim, I thought we could do with a few smiles around here as it was getting pretty dul,,  ujjbnjk and Carlo were in on the joke from the start and played along fantastic,thanks guys. sorry if some believed it but was just a joke,,, we all need to laugh more. All together now,, I DON`T  BELIEVE  IT.  Have a great day all.

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 6:57 AM

    Has anybody been stupid enough to get it?   If so, "There's a sucker born every minute" is true.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 7:46 AM

    You got me Jim, I thought we could do with a few smiles around here as it was getting pretty dul

    LOL. I must admit, I did go looking for a page 2 at the start.

    Can you imagine the fun Andyson would have had with this?  :-D

  • Bowl64
    3,121 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 7:48 AM

    Hahahahaha, good one guys LOL!!!



  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 7:52 AM


    You got me Jim, I thought we could do with a few smiles around here as it was getting pretty dul

    LOL. I must admit, I did go looking for a page 2 at the start.

    Can you imagine the fun Andyson would have had with this?  :-D

    Lmao  I did think the page 2 part would catch a few out, I thought some one would have come in with some cool graphics to go with the joke lol.

    And yes the great Andyson would have ran with this and made it 10 times better.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Thu, Sep 14 2017 8:42 PM


    Thanks for the great thread. I read your opening post this morning and thought...are you serious! After checking the pro shop, like a few others, I realized it was all in good fun.

    Unfortunately, I actually had to go to the pro shop to confirm my suspicions because I could actually see TG/WGT rolling out this idea.

    Thanks for bringing some humor back into the forums. Also, you and a few other posters were right...Andyson would have had a field day with this.


  • duda51
    1,007 Posts
    Fri, Sep 15 2017 6:44 AM



    Thanks for the great thread. I read your opening post this morning and thought...are you serious! After checking the pro shop, like a few others, I realized it was all in good fun.

    Unfortunately, I actually had to go to the pro shop to confirm my suspicions because I could actually see TG/WGT rolling out this idea.

    Thanks for bringing some humor back into the forums. Also, you and a few other posters were right...Andyson would have had a field day with this.


    Lol. Glad you liked it and I really hope you had a bit of a laugh from it,,to much crap going on these days around the world, we all need to have more fun and laugh more, easier said than done at times I should know but if we wake up in the morning then that is a good a reason as any to smile..

    Have a great day buddy.