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Re: Fyber Videos Not Giving Credits Today?

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Wed, Feb 21 2018 11:38 AM (14 replies)
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  • NikolaIliev
    7 Posts
    Sat, Oct 28 2017 10:37 PM
    Has anyone successfully reported the video credits not being awarded issue and gotten compensation? I often notice not being credited for watching videos, and by the way I am not talking about anywhere near 60 credits in a row. It's more like watch 10 videos and get credited for only 1 or 2. By watching I mean watch until the end, and then when asked if you want to watch another one, click Yes. I contacted WGT about this and they said I have to contact Fyber and ask them for compensation. I contacted Fyber and they said that currently there is no support for the video page, only for the offers. And yes, the guy thanked me for my understanding (which I never gave him). I went back to WGT and asked their cooperation, but they refused to take responsibility and redirected me to Fyber. Tough luck, I guess. Anyone else gotten better results with video related compensation requests? WGT seems to be really reluctant to give credit compensation, although when it comes to coin compensation, they are really generous.
  • NikolaIliev
    7 Posts
    Mon, Oct 30 2017 7:04 AM
    So nobody has anything to say? Fair enough, not a big deal. Just to add, I never really binge watched videos, maybe 20 in a row is the longest I ever did. And definitely no more than 5 in a row these last few weeks. I watched 3 videos in row today while waiting for my sponsorship and the credits never came (been 12 hours now) although I got the proud announcement: you have earned 2 credits! at the end of each video. Screw Fyber and WGT for letting them rip users off.
  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Oct 30 2017 9:28 AM
    So nobody has anything to say?
    There wasn't much to say. You laid out the current situation in all its stink. We've known for some time that Fyber was problematic with complaints. Seems the only user interaction they monitor is the 60 limit. WGT has always taken no responsibility for third parties.

    I guess I've been luckier than most in that the problems with payouts have been few if not sporadic.

    I just take it on the chin and try again later.

    Good luck.
  • twinponds169
    3,050 Posts
    Mon, Oct 30 2017 10:12 AM
    It could be that you are located in Japan and they do not extend the credits there for some reason or the other. Many videos are directly related to U.S. companies and products. Some friends in Australia DO get the videos and credits, other friends in Australia get nothing. The fact that you are actually viewing the videos gives thought to perhaps deleting the app and reloading it fresh? It has helped me in the past when the credit payouts glitch. Good luck!
  • Odbly
    1 Posts
    Wed, Feb 21 2018 11:38 AM

    I have found that once the video starts click the X at top right corner. Cancel and OK will display. Wait until the video stops then click cancel. I have been getting 2 credits each time. I use an IPad.

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