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Re: Tournaments

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 30 2009 4:21 PM (6 replies)
  • haji97071
    192 Posts
    Tue, Sep 22 2009 10:05 PM

    when i look at the leaderboard for tournaments when i have finished, i am curious how someone who has an average score of over 100 and just joined today can be leading the tournament with a 33.  can anyone explain this to me.  i have put in considerable time in learning the controls and oddities of this site and someone beats me by four strokes and supposedly joined today.  thanks

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Sep 22 2009 11:01 PM

    According to your description, this person that you have described is a liar, cheat and a thief.

    The only thing that you can do is to report them to and ask them to look into the possibility of this person being a multiple or duplicate account.

    If WGT verifies that it IS someone breaking the rules, they will not be awarded any prizes and their accounts will be disabled.  This is why it takes WGT a few days to sort out the tournaments....  they are looking for ****ing ***hole cheaters.

    Have a nice day.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,579 Posts
    Wed, Sep 23 2009 11:45 AM

    I agree with you.  One thing that seems a bit odd to me is the credits given for tournaments.  I understand that WGT makes it's money (today) selling clubs, balls, etc. but I think the credits allocated to a tournament are a and that is giving them a benefit.  I think the Sept. stroke play is 180 credits, I mean come on can't they throw in a few more credits.

  • kennstic
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2009 1:39 PM

    what i want to know is why there are masters and pros playing in the tournaments in the ametuer tier, i am working my way to being one of those masters or pros but it is a little disheartening when there isnt a single amateur on the first page.  whats up with that?

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2009 3:43 PM

    It is a loophole that is being exploited. See this thread for more information.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2009 4:06 PM

    It is disheartening and an ongoing, peculier curiosity. It seems to be that there are many personalities and odd charactors that play in the WGT community. The ones you refer to are what I call Yogi Berras. Deja Vu all over again, so to speak. They started out once before with an insatiable and moronic notion that they, being spectacular gamers, were oning to set the world on fire here at WGT and go straight to the top. Prior to their becomming Yogi Berras, they were shake'n'bake cherry pickers. They spent all of their time trashing one game after another, unless it was a 29, 30, or 31, on the easy nine of choice to get that average down to a place in Anaheim known as Fantasyland. Because they have no actual game skills, they hit a wall and "bingo" Deja Vu all over again..and again..and again.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Sep 30 2009 4:21 PM

    I agree... it is a most pernicious and deleterious loophole.  One that will cause great harm to the lower tiered tournaments.  It needs to be closed immediately if not sooner.  The only other option would be to terminate all lower tiered tournaments.  If only Masters had tournaments, then only Masters could play.  (Of course that would also rob the miscreants and ne'er-do-wells of the reason to cheat the system with multiples and duplicates... but that topic is for another thread.)

    As my dear friend SweetiePie has raised the spectre of Mr. Berra, I might add one of my favorites I find apropos of this current discussion....

    Yogi Berra:
    You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there.