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Re: consecutive days

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Fri, Dec 15 2017 8:00 AM (9 replies)
  • ardeeprime
    77 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2017 5:58 PM

    I haven't missed a day in about a year, and I've been reset back to zero twice in the last 2 weeks. Thought maybe it was because sometimes the clock resets @ 4 pm pacific, other times it's 5 pm, but twice in 2 weeks?

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 11:52 AM


    I haven't missed a day in about a year, and I've been reset back to zero twice in the last 2 weeks. Thought maybe it was because sometimes the clock resets @ 4 pm pacific, other times it's 5 pm, but twice in 2 weeks?

    Eastern time the new day starts at 7PM, So use that as a guide. 

    That stinks, I'm at 347 days right now and I would be pissed if I lost it. I play a lot usually every day.


  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 1:41 PM

    The CDP clock invariably runs in GMT = Zulu = UTC time zone. There's even a clock in the game client on PC and a tick indicating "careful" (red)
    and "done for the day" (green).

    On mobile, the indication appears only scarcely, ?once a day?.

    Alas, if not for the XPs, it's the most irrelevant item in the game.

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 2:58 PM

    On mobile, the indication appears only scarcely, ?once a day?.

    That's correct. That's one of the reasons that I try to play a ranked round every day. That way, I can simply look at my score history to make sure I played that day.

  • ssaunderss
    478 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 3:15 PM

    Actually does not need to ranked round just have to log in start any game hit one ball and your consecutive day is done

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 3:49 PM

    I can simply look at my score history to make sure I played that day.

    Not a good indication. You have to go by the actual hour your day changes on and that's what the OP probably messed up.

    The very first swing in any competition or practice, any format, satisfies the CDP regardless of whatever you do after that-finish or not. You just don't get to see the message confirming it if you don't finish. Watch your points before and after that first swing.  :-)

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2017 4:03 PM

    Not a good indication.

    My score history showing date played has always been a spot-on indicator for me. In all the time I've been on here, it's never been inaccurate. In other words, if it says I played on that date, then I played on that date.

    Even so, if I have doubts, then I log on to the website and click on the play now to get a visual of my days and whether it has a check mark or not. 


  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Fri, Dec 15 2017 1:01 AM

    if it says I played on that date, then I played on that date.
    ... measured in P(S)T, almost 10 hours away from the GMT deadline. You can easily play on each PT day and miss the CDP - what YJ said.

    The visual is a better, unfailing indication, and the best habit is to play one shot at the same time every day, rather around the half hour than the full, and - if possible - away from GMT midnight.

    And before all that hustle, ask yourself what benefits you might have from that event.

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Fri, Dec 15 2017 4:03 AM

    measured in P(S)T, almost 10 hours away from the GMT deadline. You can easily play on each PT day and miss the CDP - what YJ said.

    The date displayed in my score history has always been tied to GMT. For example, if I played a ranked round at 7:01 PM (EST) on December 14, it displays as being played on December 15. In fact, the St. Andrews score that I recently shot (that displays as December 15) was played sometime around 8:00 PM (EST) on the 14th.

    Like I said above, in all the time I've been on here, it's never been wrong and has always been tied to GMT. Also, like I said, if I ever have doubts, I'll check the visual. Nevertheless, my score history has always been an accurate reflection of the days played for CDP.

    And, as an aside, there's no "hustle" involved. I just take the time to play because I like the game. The only "benefits" might be if they ever introduce new clubs at the higher levels (above 101). If they do, then I'll be closer to being able to purchase them if I would like to do so.

    I've already lost my CDP once (at 780 days). If I lose it again, it's no big deal. That's especially so because I'm very happy with my present clubs and have no desire to purchase anything. But I never said that I "hustle" to get my CDP. So, I'm not sure what that comment is about.

    Finally, I "get" when the new day starts and how CDP generally works. All I'm saying is that as I go through the day each day, if I want to see if I played for that day (before 7:00 PM of that day), I can look at my score history.

    So, today is December 15 (until 7:00 PM EST for me in WGT land). If I see a score for December 15 in my score history, I know I played. It's nothing more complicated than that. And I really struggle to see how a score listed as being played on December 15 might not be a score for December 15 (with the understanding that, for me, December 15 starts at 7:00 PM EST on the 14th and extends to 6:59 PM EST on the 15th).

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Fri, Dec 15 2017 8:00 AM

    Actually does not need to ranked round just have to log in start any game hit one ball and your consecutive day is done

    If this was directed at me, I'm aware of that. But that has nothing to do with my point, which seems to have been lost in all of the noise.

    My only point was the following. The splash screen on mobile showing how many days I played is only displayed once a day (the first time I log on for that day, whenever that is). So, most days, I'll play a ranked round after the new day starts (around 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM EST, when I'm just relaxing anyway). 

    For me, the new day starts at 7:00 PM EST. Having now played a ranked round, then I have a quick way to check on my mobile app later that evening or the next day (until 6:59 PM) to see if I played that day. I just click on score history. And that has always been accurate. That way, I don't have to go on to the website.

    That was my only point.

    I wasn't making any statements regarding what a person needs to do to keep the CDP alive or the various ways that it can be done. I was just saying that my method provides me with a quick and easy way (on my mobile app) to verify that I played that day.

    Of course, all of the above assumes I know when the new WGT day starts and ends, which I do. In other words, I understand, for example, that 8:00 PM EST time on December 15 is actually December 16 in WGT land for me. :-)