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Re: Slam Dunk Bounce Back 14Y? Really?

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Tue, Dec 19 2017 10:54 AM (10 replies)
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  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 5:20 PM

    I am 35y out at Chambers Bay # 1, and the ball slam dunks, making the noise of going in. The flag has been pulled. However, after hitting the ball, I put the flag back in to watch. There is no indication that the flag was a factor. Yet the ball bounces back 14y into the fairway. Am I missing something? I did not save the replay, but what I am describing is pretty straight forward. There was no flagstick hit, or noise indicating the flagstick was there, only the sound of the ball going in the cup. Does this happen often?

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 7:03 PM

    Hi BP


    I am 35y out at Chambers Bay # 1, and the ball slam dunks, making the noise of going in. The flag has been pulled. However, after hitting the ball, I put the flag back in to watch.

    That's all good, if it's pulled before you hit it then it's not there when it lands.

    I did not save the replay, but what I am describing is pretty straight forward. There was no flagstick hit, or noise indicating the flagstick was there, only the sound of the ball going in the cup. Does this happen often?

    Hehehe..  oh yes. Some of the replays are amazing, the relaunch covering huge distances. Every now and again one will stay put but in my experience...   well I have a large number of comedy moments in my "slam dunk" folder.

    One of my favourites, the 13th at Chambers Bay. 226yds out.

    Big Bertha having fun.

    For some reason I took the flag out, with a ding it was going to be close. I dinged it and laid flat on the ground, could be relaunching anywhere!

    With the flag back in, you could just see the top. The hole was around 4ft deeper than before.

    Happy hittin'




  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2017 8:28 PM



    One of my favourites, the 13th at Chambers Bay. 226yds out.


    I actually watched that just last week. I had assumed the flag was in. I guess I learned my lesson now. NO DUNKING. ;-) It is good to know that it's not just me that the golf gods like to toy with.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,351 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2017 4:58 AM


     Does this happen often?


    Yes it does...counting at least 7-8 of them.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2017 5:11 AM

    Yet the ball bounces back 14y into the fairway

    Be happy it only went 14 yards. Guys have shown some hellacious replays of dunked shots taking off for parts unknown. LOL

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2017 5:34 AM


    Be happy it only went 14 yards. Guys have shown some hellacious replays of dunked shots taking off for parts unknown. LOL

    Exactly YJ, just what I was thinking. I found one at Erin Hills, 175yds that flew 190 before going OB somewhere over the rainbow.

    Not a side splitter at the time though.




  • DocFox54
    302 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2017 7:15 AM

    Nah!  Hendmar50 still has the record for "WTF just happened???" at Chambers Bay.  

    This has to be the most epic "flag launch" in history!

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Dec 19 2017 10:13 AM

    That one's a beauty Doc.

    I remember watching that when it was first posted. A flat launch then it hits the hill and goes up like a rocket.

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