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Re: new one hole format

Sun, Dec 24 2017 1:56 PM (2 replies)
  • bigred7164
    6 Posts
    Sat, Dec 23 2017 7:19 PM

    Is it not surprising that when WGT started to get many posts on it's new format that it buried the forum so nobody can find it to post anymore??? Seems they don't care about player concerns or comments......may have to quit this game.    Not that I am expecting any response here just want to see if it gets past the guards...

  • stan401
    2 Posts
    Sun, Dec 24 2017 1:56 PM

    I hear you and totally agree.This new format is a sick joke and are probably limiting opportunities for player,s feedback because they know most of us are unhappy about it. One hole rounds with a TIEBREAKER? How stupid an idea is that? Nobody I have talked to likes this new format.Maybe they want more of us to quit. Sad....I really used to like this game.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Sun, Dec 24 2017 1:58 PM

    Is it not surprising that when WGT started to get many posts on it's new format that it buried the forum so nobody can find it to post anymore???

    You do understand that threads are listed in reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent to oldest) based on the most recent post in that thread, yes?

    In other words, nothing has been buried.

    By the way, I'm guessing you're on moderation. It can take up to 24 hours for a moderated post to be visible on the boards. But it's time stamp is when it's created and not made visible. During that time period, it's likely that many other users have posted, which means that your thread or post will be lower in order than those who have posted during that time period who are not on moderation.

    With respect, take off the tin-foil hat. WGT doesn't care about users complaining. If they did, they would simply delete the threads.