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Re: what do you guys think about kenny perry's backswing?

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Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:39 PM (8 replies)
  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2009 11:21 AM

    watching 'The Tour Championship' the past couple days and yesterday was like wow that is lookin' like a baseball swing! Seem him around before he does allright but never really noticed him swinging before. He kinda lifts it up and instead of a nice arc it sorta goes straight up a bit and then wonky. Surprised that guy does so well. Surprised he can walk the course too with that gut.. haha

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2009 1:00 PM

    hahahaa.. watching that pga on tv.. kenny's swing cracks me up.. surprised he does so well :-)

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sun, Sep 27 2009 2:52 PM

    what is this that kenny's doing when he's putting and raises his putter to line stuff up with the shaft? Its a curvy green.. no straight line 'll help ya out with that.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,593 Posts
    Mon, Sep 28 2009 2:31 PM

    Perry is a darn good player, keep in mind that he is 49.  He has always used the plum bob method to read a green, it goes back a way.  When you look through your putter it helps better define the line and the break, like I said sort of old school.  Perry does the one thing that every golfer must do to be great (excepting his play of yesterday), he hits the same shot every time.  He hits a high hook that he has great control of,  much better than Tiger and Phil can control their drivers.  He is also a great putter, his iron play is consistent but not spectatular.  He will dominate the senior tour next year, I think that excepting Tiger he had the most wins on the tourn last year.

  • duffer66
    700 Posts
    Wed, Dec 16 2009 7:52 PM
    Looks like Perry is using the threequarter back swing which is a lot easier on older players. I'm 72 and use that swing, let me tell ya it has improved accuracy like you wound'nt believe. Also, does not affect your distance much either. No more sore back or shoulders for me.
    701 Posts
    Thu, Dec 17 2009 7:17 AM

    I saw J B Holmes use that swing and he was driving the ball 350 to 400 yards and said hmmm...Then I saw Anthony Kim doing the same thing whom is another good driver of the golf ball.So I tried it myself and it worked like a charm.I still can't drive it like the two afore mentioned Pros but it added some distance and accuracy to my game.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sun, Dec 20 2009 8:31 PM

    If you have a chance to notice, Jay Haas has used the same move for years. Instead of trying to use a wide, full extension backswing, they both sort of sneak it to the top with comfort, and a better balance shift which keeps them centered. Coming down and into the ball is when their full extention on the inside takes place. They have both enjoyed remarkable success. It is a move my Father has been using for several years and he is 62 and a legit 3 hdcp.

  • oppy
    286 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:09 PM

    Anthony Kim.......? What Anthony Kim r u watching?

    701 Posts
    Wed, Dec 23 2009 5:39 PM

    Its a been a couple of years since I seen him swing a golf club but thats what he was doing last time I seen him swinging.He was in a play off with Kenny Perry oddly enough.I don't pay that much attention to none of the sporting events like I used to.It just got kind of old watch people making more in 3 or 4 hours than a working man can make in 4 or 5 life times.I guess people like me are just the common folk of the world and we don't matter to much anyway.