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Re: Surveys For Credits=Crap

Thu, May 3 2012 7:54 PM (33 replies)
  • ChipNSink
    427 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 3:38 PM


    The surveys seem to have been downgraded today - the Ampario survey reduced from 450 to 200 credits, Opinion Survey down from 150 to 100 credits :(

    I hope they have made them easier to qualify as a result, but somehow I doubt it lol.

    And that doubt is well placed. They are still just as hard to qualify for. And those available in DK (2 surveys) have not only gotten harder to qualify for, but also increased in length when theres one you actually do qualify for. Luckily I have been spared the aggravation of sitting around filling out a questionnaire for 20 mins just to get disqualified for the rest of it. Whenever I qualify, I get to do the entire survey. And only been stiffed on the credits payout twice.

    Sadly though ... in Denmark we get one daily for 75 credits, and one for 100 credits. And only about 3-4 surveys a month - which we still have to qualify for. So surveys are a waste of time.

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 4:03 PM

    I concur with you guys...........Trust me I will never ever try another survey on this POS again. I say donate the freekin 50 bucks and call it a day. I think the best offer is getting the AMEX prepaid card. At least you get to keep your money and get a %$#$#Load of credits and you pay nothing if you withdraw all the money and then cancel the card so you do not incur any usage charges.

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Wed, May 2 2012 5:10 PM

    If peeps are out there willing to spend hours on end to make a few bucks (if they're lucky) let em. Personally I got beta things to do with my time. 

  • 1hungweylo
    8 Posts
    Thu, May 3 2012 7:54 PM

    surveys work but they only will now n then they dont make it easy otherwise no1 will buy in with dollars