Would be cool to have an agree to drop match option on the tee off page when people either get kicked off ( for some unkonwn reason ? ! lol ) or they disconnect .. all we have at the moment is the forfeit option ,, I know when i'm playing with freinds and they disconnect it's either a wgt or internet problem, and I am quite happy to wait for them to try and get back in time, or even forfeit the match and restart...... But when it comes to playing randoms, you just dont know if they have disconnected on purpose (as we all know many do ! ), and having to wait around to see if they come back is to say the least very annoying !!! and to have to forfeit to them if they have disconnected on purpose is even more annoying !!.... So an agree to drop option would be most appreciated :)) and i'm sure this would not be to much hassel or to complicated for wgt brainboxes to add this LOL