I'm just really tired of people getting down on others! Earlier in here, someone called that chipping person a gamer, not a golfer. That's a label, and in reality, this is a video game, which makes everyone that plays, a gamer, and every shot taken, a gamers move.
In another thread, someone stated that because we play mobile, that we destroyed the meaning of being a legend, etc. Because we chose not to be a pcer, those that play pc, are better than us? The best one is that if anyone ever played a closer tee, they should be labeled as a country club champion. If you don't get my drift, then sorry, but it's really ridiculous. I know that this doesn't apply to all out there, but one gets really tired. I followed all the advice I was given on here, I've had more than my share of practice, coin games and cc tourneys, and clashs. I really hate being thrown under a bus because I may or may not have achieved anything the way they did.
Don't take me wrong please, alot of these discussions have taught me alot, some worked, some not. Much of the advice was greatly appreciated, and I don't want to alienate anyone, I just wish that everyone would think about what they say before they print it. Think how someone will take it. Yes I took your statement as derogatory towards me, about my grammar, and punctuation, if that's not the way you meant it, then great.