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Re: Stop the cheating and gaming the turf wars

Tue, Jul 10 2018 12:35 AM (22 replies)
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2018 5:49 PM


    Are you a top performer in Turf Wars and Clashes?

    Want to exploit your worth playing with other Clubs as a hired gun?

    Come join a new club dedicated to those achievements.

    You can play all you like, and rent your achievements out to others to attain their goals and your personal satisfaction. Door is always open when you want to come back to the rest home.

    Play in another club to help them advance their short term goals then return. 

    I do expect nothing for harboring You! This club offers nothing and expects nothing.

    Achieved Activity is Required for Acceptance. 

    Mobiles preferred. 


    this was posted 01-01-18   in the thread " new club for mercenaries"



    i've said it before but i will trade anyone a bellagio win that wants to send me a sleeve of balls. 


  • Faz2000
    93 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2018 12:27 AM

    I made it to Diamond 1 level (or whatever it was called) in the head to head coin games, realised there was nothing there, so stopped bothering. I pick the apparel that makes my avatar look stylish or humorous or ridiculous, depending on mood, and only do coin games for the Turf Wars. Even then, there's no apparent point to those, so if I don't have a spare CC pass I don't bother.

    I think it's quite amusing that someone puts their energy into manipulating a completely irrelevant part of the game. Yay, you have the most utterly worthless coins! Hooray! Go nuts spending them on.... ummm....yeh, good luck with that.

    It would be good if they made Turf Wars feel a bit more interesting by perhaps having matchplay directly against the opponents from the other CC, or similar. Maybe even properly handicapped so Legends hit from Legend tees, Pros from Pro tees, etc. It's a complete waste of time from a modest CC to play some crew that puts up 20 million coins in an hour - no point in earning 4500, or 90,000, or anything against that.

    10,728 Posts
    Tue, Jul 10 2018 12:35 AM

    and rent your achievements out to others to attain their goals and your personal satisfaction. Door is always open when you want to come back to the rest home.

    " Rent Your Achievements "   ha ha ha ha ha