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Re: Is it only my Punch Shot

Fri, Feb 16 2018 8:58 AM (23 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2018 5:55 AM

    Ok during an Alt Shot game last night it happened to me again. See the attached link.

    Something is odd with that 60W. I have the same club and in practice discovered a full shot with full back spin sticks. I couldn't believe it but was happy to add it to the arsenal. The first time I tried it in an AS game was at BPB1. I was 78 out from the front pin and decided to try my new shot. FFS, hit the green and sped off backwards!! 

    From that experience and successive trials I have determined that that wedge can't be trusted to perform the same way every time with full back spin. The 64W never wavers but that 60W has a mind of its own. Sometimes it stops and sometimes it doesn't. Needless to say it's no longer an option for me.  LOL

  • Kenher01
    1,151 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2018 7:43 AM

    Hi Rick,

                 I mean this in a constructive way, I would not of hit that particular shot myself.

    I had it playing at just over 59 yd's/Just shy of 60 yards & as the 60 yd full shot goes 62 i would have hit my 60 yd full wedge Flat @ 98% power (A couple of % extra) & it would have landed a little past & hopped/spun back 2 to 3 yd's

    With the 68 punch you hit i'd have hit it flat as it was a Head wind but it was only playing at 88% power with the 68 Punch Flat

    If i've a Tail wind & need to hit my 68 Punch & depending on slope etc i'll give it two dabs of BS, About -8% BS


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2018 8:38 AM

    I had it playing at just over 59 yd's/Just shy of 60 yards & as the 60 yd full shot goes 62 i would have hit my 60 yd full wedge Flat @ 98% power (A couple of % extra) & it would have landed a little past & hopped/spun back 2 to 3 yd's

    I used to do this but found another way-use top spin and cut the swing down. Doing it that way lets you stop the shot without worrying about it spinning back. 

    With the 68 punch you hit i'd have hit it flat as it was a Head wind but it was only playing at 88% power with the 68 Punch Flat

    Same here. This is where that little blue ruler above the meter is useful. It gives you a solid reference mark to know how much to choke.

  • RickRR
    125 Posts
    Fri, Feb 16 2018 8:58 AM

    Thank you and I have learned not to trust the 60W as well. I will only use it sparingly.

    Thanks again