When you play a matchplay game (especially scored) and the other player just leaves because he/she is playing bad I think they should get some kind of punishment.
Sometimes they disconnect and just dont return but the worse is when they are just leaving, sometimes just with some malignant comment. I hate when people do like that. I don't get as much experience as I should either because the match ends after lets say 5 holes instead of 7-8.
Don't you think a good idea would be to take some amount of experience from him/her and give it to me? Or maybe some credits if they have that.. Guess there are a lot of ways to make this behavior stop, maybe you have some better ideas.
Maybe it should be applied to more than just matchplay, its anoying hen it happens in for instance blitz too. But at least you get to fininsh your round there and get same amount of experience (I think).
Happy for a quick answer :)