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Re: Club leaders not active

rated by 0 users
Fri, Apr 27 2018 5:23 AM (4 replies)
  • Gazm0
    6 Posts
    Thu, Apr 26 2018 2:16 AM

    Ok I'm in a club and the leader no longer comes on so I was wondering if you could implement a system that if the leader is not on for say 1 or 2 month the leadership gets passed to the most active in the club to help get more clubs in the game and active again ? Speak to blizzard they have this system in wow guilds :) 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2018 12:52 AM

    From long experience, I see no way.

    The owner's proprietary rights (and the desire for licensing fees) prohibit any move, according to several reports here about absent or deceased owners.

    It may work out for a while if there are active members for tourneys etc., but it might be best to look for a new CC.

    Note aside: WGT don't listen to or discuss proposals here :(

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2018 4:15 AM

    Orphaned country clubs are WGT's dirty little secret.  The ones that are able to survive as working clubs are ones that have directors who were given powers before the owner left. Having once belonged to an orphaned club, I understand the frustrations of members who remain loyal.

    The club where I once had membership was active with almost 200 members. It was started in April 2011. The owner has disappeared for long periods several times over this 7 year span. Membership has dropped to 88 with only 22 members having played in 2018. The owner last played in July 2017.

    It would be nice if WGT had a policy that covered these situations, but instead they leave it up to individual members who can very easily change clubs. I am sure the one factor that plays into WGT's decision not to have a policy is that they refuse to cull the WGT membership rolls of non-playing people who count as some of the over 10 million registered members.

    The best advice I can offer to anyone seeking a country club is to look at the playing  history of the owner and members of possible clubs. And always be prepared to move on if things change at the chosen club.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,970 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2018 4:32 AM


  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Fri, Apr 27 2018 5:23 AM


    Ok I'm in a club and the leader no longer comes on so I was wondering if you could implement a system that if the leader is not on for say 1 or 2 month the leadership gets passed to the most active in the club to help get more clubs in the game and active again ?

    The following was posted by WGTdbloshoe back in 2014...

    "There are many reasons why a owner may be missing, however we can't just take a club away from someone just because they have not been around for a little bit.  I wish I had a better answer for you, but the reality is they created it and to just yank it from them would wrong.


    - WGTdbloshoe"

    Bery and WGT Amigos are experiencing this right now.

    As for what Shoe posted...This is why active CCs need to plan ahead as these issues get complicated because the owner “purchased” the CC.  That “purchase” is probably a binding contract with WGT.  So I’m sure WGT’s hands are tied.