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Re: Find A Ball You Can Afford And Never Change It

Sat, Feb 27 2021 8:51 AM (25 replies)
  • DoctorLarry
    4,319 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2018 10:40 PM

    My "go to ball" at the moment is the Callaway Hex Chrome + L35, good distance and the spinrate suits my game :))


    I moved up a little to the Cally Chrome L43 balls and am liking them.  I have mapped them with my current clubs and am getting the hang of response of different shots.  All I need now is a slower meter!

  • JohanTV
    213 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2018 11:32 AM

    I am an average player and playing WGT for 18 months now.

    I support the vision that playing one ball is the way to go for most players. I used the default ball a long time as I didn’t want to watch videos or do surveys the rest of my WGT life.

    When switching to highest level irons a half year ago it seemed the default balls would not stop even while the irons had high spin.

    Since a few months I therefore had to switch to another ball. As I still don’t want to pay a lot (Cally’s are great but still 250cr+), I ended up using the Tour-SD balls (64 credits) which play good and are affordable to me.

    So If you don’t want to spend a lot of credits I think the Tour-SD is the one.

  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2018 11:55 AM

    I guess I don't particularly subscribe to this viewpoint. I have 14 different distance, spin and meter combos in my inventory and I use 8 of them on rotation depending on what, where and when I am playing. And I haven't even tried the Titleists yet!

  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Fri, Feb 26 2021 7:56 AM


    I play in a Skype Country Club which means we are talking on Skype while we all play the same course each night. We have a few members who constantly change balls mainly because they do not want to pay more than $5.00 dollars for a sleeve of balls. We constantly hear from these players "what the hell was that"? after they hit a ball. Because of the variety shots we all hit, (pitch, flop, punch) for different situations, the amount of spin players put on the ball to hit close to a pin changes depending on the ball they are using. Throw in how balls react differently when hitting out of different rough conditions(20-25, 30-40, 50-60 rough), there are too many variables (up hill, down hill shots to the green), to know how a ball is going to react when you change balls all the time. This is my main point with my original post. Unless you have a photographic memory and can remember how they many different balls play out of so many different situations or shots, I say you are better off using the same ball all the time so you know how the ball is going to react with each shot. Changing balls all the time keeps the average player "guessing" or confused on why a ball stops or releases when it hits the green. This is why for a majority of players, finding a ball they like at a cost they can afford or be comfortable with is so important. Changing balls will keep you from becoming the best player you can be. 

    Complete agreement.

    It takes me at least 1 ball to get used to the variables and up to 3 to really understand how the ball will react with confidence.

    But I’m only 145 days in and saving for a L97 Driver and Irons (+wedge for ‘balance ‘).

    Playing off back tees give me the opportunity to practice my short game, learn the courses and holes (for the final time) and having 2 meter balls with 1 spin and 0 distance, my long iron game.

    Sticking with the same ball is essential for consistency and knowing what the ball is going to do if I hit it left or right of the ding and so game management is very helpful (which I learned in real life on the course being a low single figure handicapper who, due to work, family etc commitments, I can’t maintain, so play for fun(when the lockdown ends anyway, I envisage and intend.

    Thanks for your insight. You know what you speak of and have learned so much off of people like you.

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2021 1:23 AM

    The downside with never using a variety of balls , is that if you do tap in rewards you won’t benefit from the very good balls you gain , nor from winning in the showdowns. 
    personally I have one or two that are my go to reliable balls that I am confident of , and use others for things like cc tourneys or small coin room play , or friendly play.
    I don’t think it hurts to be able to play any ball , as long as you know what the differences are , and can react to them.  

  • bossbird
    2,241 Posts
    Sat, Feb 27 2021 8:51 AM


    I am an average player and playing WGT for 18 months now.

    I support the vision that playing one ball is the way to go for most players. I used the default ball a long time as I didn’t want to watch videos or do surveys the rest of my WGT life.

    When switching to highest level irons a half year ago it seemed the default balls would not stop even while the irons had high spin.

    Since a few months I therefore had to switch to another ball. As I still don’t want to pay a lot (Cally’s are great but still 250cr+), I ended up using the Tour-SD balls (64 credits) which play good and are affordable to me.

    So If you don’t want to spend a lot of credits I think the Tour-SD is the one.

    250 cr is less than 2 days worth of watching videos , very good value on my opinion.

    My regular ball is lvl39 cally = 4 distance  and 2.5 speed , for 325 cr for yellow balls , when I am tired , mostly during clash , I change to level 34 cally still 4 distance but slower meter of 3.5 for 450 credits this helps me as distance remains the same , so there is a degree of similarity and familiarity .