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Re: Handicaps in tourneys

rated by 0 users
Mon, Oct 5 2009 10:54 AM (2 replies)
  • MaximusMortlock
    1 Posts
    Mon, Oct 5 2009 7:17 AM


    If the idea is to replicate a real course, then shouldn't tourneys replicate real life too, where you even the playing field by players having a handicap?

    Some players are just far too good to play against in a tourney and while the counter might be that they have played a lot more, it doesn't provide a great playing experience for those who can't play as much.

    Obviously handicaps would open the system up to abuse by good players starting again, but it would make the experience in general a lot more fair.

    Perhaps real tourneys could offer both a pro division and a club division where handicaps are used.



  • TarheelsRule
    5,594 Posts
    Mon, Oct 5 2009 8:53 AM

    I think that having some tournies where handicap is used would be great.  I do think that if we have these it should be required that a minimum number of rounds be played though.  Having a few of these would give some of us a chance to win, although I can tell you that some of the pros who have the same handicap as I do seem to be able to turn it up 3 or 4 strokes when they want to.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Oct 5 2009 10:54 AM

    Some players are just far too good to play against in a tourney and while the counter might be that they have played a lot more, it doesn't provide a great playing experience for those who can't play as much.
    Hello.. I am rather curious how you came to this conclusion after all of 1 round of ranked golf and 3 challenges?

    It seems that you are speaking from the voice of experience, needing a handicap to beat the other players, yet you have barely played at all.

    It's not that I disagree with your ideas or issues, but it seems a bit odd coming from someone with such little playing experience...