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Re: Daily Motivation

Fri, Sep 20 2024 9:06 AM (2,060 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Wed, May 8 2024 8:49 AM

    Wednesday, May 8, 2024

    Different choices

    Just because you didn’t, doesn’t mean you can’t. Though you may have wasted much time and opportunity, there’s no need to continue doing so.

    The past is the past and it doesn’t have to continue into the future. Because here you are right now in the present, able to turn in whatever direction you choose.

    What if your disappointments stopped disappointing you? What if they started teaching you and motivating you to make different choices?

    Today you have the opportunity to choose action, effectiveness, and valuable results. Whatever happened yesterday no longer matters.

    If you’ve ever wished you had done something differently, your wish can now come true. Here is your chance to make the different, better choice, and to follow it through.

    You know very clearly that your choices matter. Right now is when you can act on that knowledge.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2024 8:49 AM

    Thursday, May 9, 2024

    Promises, promises

    You wouldn’t rely on the promise of promptness from someone who is always late. You can’t rely on the promise of payment from someone who is always broke.

    A promise that’s easy to make is just as easy to break. Certainly words have meaning, but actions mean a whole lot more.

    When a promise sounds too good to be true, that’s exactly what it is. Just because you want to believe it, doesn’t change the reality.

    It can be tempting to depend on empty promises from others, and even from yourself. What’s better, though, is to hold out and insist on proven competence and reliability.

    A promise has great value when it comes from someone with a long history of reliability. So before you consider the promise, carefully consider the source.

    When you hear a promise, put in the diligence to be sure it means something. When you give a promise, put in the work to make sure it happens.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2024 11:07 AM

    Friday, May 10, 2024

    Keep growing

    Right now you have an opportunity to grow. Take advantage of that opportunity to add depth, substance, and meaning to life.

    No matter what you’ve already accomplished, every challenge you take on can bring new benefits. Whatever your level of learning and experience, you can always learn and do more.

    When you get to thinking you’ve seen it all, that cuts you off from new and enlightening experiences. Think instead about the possibilities of the moment, draw fresh energy from them, and jump out of your complacency.

    If you ever feel like you have all the answers, get busy and find more questions. See that each new discovery is a starting point, not a final destination.

    The joy of life is in the journey. The fulfillment you accumulate is in the growing.

    Whatever comes, whatever goes, keep growing. Never let it stop.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Mon, May 13 2024 9:18 AM

    Monday, May 13, 2024

    The work of life

    You never knew everything you had. You still don’t know the full extent of what you have.

    So what can you do with it all? You can be grateful beyond what you even know, and determined to live what you have as fully as you can.

    Today gives you the opportunity to allow, experience, and extend new vitality into existence. Here is where real life takes place.

    With your thoughts and efforts, you’re able to bring goodness into focus. Out of raw and uncaring time, you create meaning and sweet fulfillment.

    Do the work of life because it matters, and because you can. It is your heritage, your responsibility, your path forward.

    In stillness, in turmoil, in long stretches of sameness, offer the unmatched warmth of authentic living. This is the beauty of what you do, and nothing can take the place of it.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Tue, May 14 2024 11:43 AM

    Tuesday, May 14, 2024

    Experience now

    Not sure what to do, what to say, how to feel? Start doing, start saying, start feeling, and find out.

    It’s great to plan in advance based on what you think you want and believe. But no plan, no matter how elaborate, can take the place of experience.

    You must step forward and actually deal with the day, with the situation, with your life. To know what is the best way forward, you must experience yourself as you move forward.

    That experience will include pains, disappointments, and mistakes as well as joy, satisfaction, and achievement. Every bit of it adds value and substance to your life and your world.

    Only through experience can you discover who you are and what you care about. As your experience continues to unfold your life gains new truth, strength, competence, and meaning.

    Stop wondering what to do and start doing what you wonder about. The time to experience is now.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Wed, May 15 2024 12:09 PM

    Wednesday, May 15, 2024

    Make the time

    If you’ve been meaning to get it done but haven’t, here’s what will help. Make the time.

    Show yourself and everyone else that you’re serious. Carve out sufficient time to get it done.

    Don’t trick yourself into thinking you can just squeeze it in between everything else. Give it the time and focus it deserves.

    The difference between an empty wish and a real achievement is the commitment of your time. Set aside a specific block of time, and fill that time with effective effort.

    Every hour is filled with potential. Choose to transform more of that potential into lasting value.

    Make the time. And you’ll make it happen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Thu, May 16 2024 8:58 AM

    Thursday, May 16, 2024

    Invest your effort

    Where effort goes in, meaning comes forth. When you invest time, thought, focus, and action, you end up with value and fulfillment.

    Machines and elaborate systems can leverage your effort but they can never take the place of it. Because expending actual effort is essential to any rich, satisfying experience.

    When everything is done for you, nothing of significance comes from you, or accrues to you. All the material wealth and convenience in the world cannot ever substitute for the experience of making a difference.

    What effort can you make today that will provide real substance? Go forward with that effort and bring its many benefits into being.

    Seeking to be completely free of effort is an empty and disappointing pursuit. Put your energy instead into making your efforts more effective, beneficial, and influential.

    Giving your best effort creates goodness that reaches deep within you and extends far beyond you. It’s an opportunity you cannot afford to ignore.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2024 8:42 AM

    Friday, May 17, 2024


    You need to be needed. As burdensome as they may be, your obligations add greatly to your life.

    Obligations don’t care about your resentment of them. So rather than resenting them, make it your business to embrace those obligations.

    By doing so, you are embracing your own competence, perhaps your generosity and thoughtfulness as well. You are actively making yourself more useful to yourself and others, and that’s a beneficial thing.

    Obligations impose structure on your life. That structure can end up providing enduring support to all aspects of your existence.

    You enrich your life when you take on new obligations. You raise your level of discipline by meeting those obligations.

    Have the courage to obligate yourself in meaningful and beneficial ways, and find the strength to honor your obligations. You’ll simultaneously add value to your own life, to all the lives you touch, and beyond.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2024 11:40 AM

    Monday, May 20, 2024

    Discovery and experience

    Make something beautiful just for the beauty of it. Do something meaningful just because it has meaning to you.

    Fulfillment is not a formula, not a step-by-step recipe that you can mindlessly follow. Fulfillment is a process of discovery and experience.

    Be curious about the big picture as well as the minor details. Keep yourself aware of what’s going on around you and look for how you can add your own positive value to it.

    Appreciate what exists solely for its own sake. Give your love generously and you won’t feel the need to demand it.

    Life is more than just a game to determine who can collect the most trinkets. It is a vast and dynamic domain with wonder, mystery, and possibility in every direction.

    Engage in the endless discovery, live the unbounded experience. Fill today with a life that’s real and worthy of the beautiful and unique person you are.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,978 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2024 8:40 AM

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024

    Know the reason

    To make sure you get it done, give yourself a reason why. If a compelling reason isn’t apparent, dig deeper.

    Create a solid connection in your mind between what you must do and what matters to you. Maintain that connection until the work is done.

    If your motivation and enthusiasm begin to fade, remind yourself of the reason why. When difficulties and complications arise, let your reason push you through.

    Look beyond the effort and envision all the benefits of getting that effort completed. Focus on why and you’ll figure out how.

    Be clear on your reason why, and you’ll activate the power of your purpose. You’ll find the strength to take each necessary step along the way.

    For everything you’ve ever achieved, there’s been a reason. Know the reason, and you’ll get it done.


    — Ralph Marston