Monday, February 17, 2025
Good connections
There are some things you can do well in isolation.
Yet there’s so much more you can accomplish when you’re connected with
other people, places, concepts, and forces in the world around you.
Whether it’s physical, emotional, intellectual, through finance or
technology or countless other means, connection has great value.
Consider all the connections you have, and the many more that are
possible for you.
You benefit from connections to ideas, people, places, facts, processes,
and so much more. The more richly connected you are, the more richness
you have in your life.
The best connections require effort, discipline, time and resources. Yet
as difficult as they may be to initiate and maintain, good, solid,
honest connections bring great benefit to life.
Do the work to discover and develop new connections. Offer your time and
energy to sustain, expand, and re-invigorate all the good connections
you’ve already made.
The ability to connect is one of your most valuable abilities. Find and
establish those good connections that make your actions more effective
and your experiences more fulfilling.
— Ralph Marston