Hi Charlie,
You would be more than welcome to join us at Fairway Fanatic's. We are a uk club but have plenty of members from all over the world. We are a established club, have been running for a year, we are one of the fastest growing clubs out there and now at level 18 almost the other top clubs. We have plenty going on at the club, Stroke play leagues. match play leagues, Monthly majors, 3 month long tours and much more.
We have our own forum set up and also use telegram as well, we also have just started our Fanatic Academy which is designed to help new players within the club. We have alot of mentors helping out and guiding players along their wgt journey. This is from what i know a first and its one of the main focus points of the club. We like to grow our own legends and champions. We have alot of opportunity's to win prizes as well and people are always willing to lend a hand.
Have sent you a invite, if you want to know any more please ask.
Many thanks