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Re: What the heck is forgivness

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 12 2011 10:48 AM (5 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 5:30 AM

    OK, I'm confused what the heck is forgiveness?  I have been missing putts like crazy only by a fraction of an inch

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 7:04 AM

    WGT FAQ:

    Forgiveness: Displays how much Distance and Precision the ball will lose if not hit perfectly

    Basically, it controls how bad your shot will end up if you don't "ding" it. 

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 7:22 AM

    So how much can you be off your mark with a forgiveness of 2 full dots

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 8:42 AM


    So how much can you be off your mark with a forgiveness of 2 full dots

    It isn't that exact. Anytime you miss the ding you bring deviation into play and then anything goes. Use those dots to compare one club to another. Basically, the deviation in a missed shot is going to be less with more dots of forgiveness. The trade off is that  the precision suffers.

    If you're having trouble consistently dinging it might help to know that missing in your favor lessens the deviation. Miss into the wind and into the high side of a breaking putt to minimize the hurt. Missing the opposite way is automatic failure.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 10:03 AM

    No, no, no. They should explain this better in the Pro Shop.

    Forgiveness is when Tiger drives the Escalade straight into the tree even though Elin didn't square up the club face at impact.

  • FuzzyBallz
    179 Posts
    Tue, Jul 12 2011 10:48 AM

    Think of like this see if it helps. You picked spot to hit like when throwing a rock in to a bucket at 30 feet away, your margin of miss is 2 feet around the bucket, you use throwing item that has a forgiveness of plus or minus 1 foot. The margin of miss was 2 feet the item has 1 foot, the margin is now 1 foot.

    The ding is dead on / with built in plus or minus of zero.

    The item in example / the dots of foregiveness - say they are 3 inches per dot, in theory you can miss the ding by 3 lines of ding plus or minus but still keep your aim point with margin of error 1 foot.

    but in game up hill / down hill 1 foot is adding or subtract about 1 yard of roll.

    green break and speed of green also affect where the ball will go as to where we aim.

    More Precise gives more accurate results.

    More Forgiveness gives less effect when you miss the ding.

    you give up 1 to get more of the other. lot of forgiveness no precise / lot of precise no forgiveness.

    I seem to get good results from 3 dots of precise and 3 dots of forgiveness, i can miss the ding and still keep it inside a 1 foot circle on the green from 10 feet plus. not great but good enough to keep me happy.