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Re: Stroke Play Average

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 14 2011 11:02 PM (6 replies)
  • cole1234
    50 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 7:45 PM

    So just wondering what stroke play average do you have to hit to turn tour master? Cause when I turned master it was 66. any clues?

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 8:26 PM

    63.0 should get ya there..

  • cole1234
    50 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 9:09 PM

    thanks! haha got some work to do ahaha

  • SunShine705
    31 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 9:24 PM

    Sorry Cole I am using your area for my comment, just not sure how to post in here unless i just use reply option....    I finally know wgt is definatly either not accurate, or cheating or......    Just played a closest to hole tourny in my country club... one hole was a 180yrd distance, on average i was hiting about 190yrd strength did all the same, and hit pretty much centre of meter, and ball only went 95yrds, wgt needs some serious work, you think with there 1 million dollar hand out from PGA and thats not including all the money dished out from everyone in here they could make this game a little more accurate.... lol

  • cole1234
    50 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 9:51 PM

    was it 95 yards out of the 190?

    and if you go to community introductions you can post there. 


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 10:21 PM

    You might have hit the scroll wheel and changed clubs, it's easily done.

  • SunShine705
    31 Posts
    Thu, Jul 14 2011 11:02 PM

    oh k, true about that, i probably changed clubs accidently...  also just finished playing a match play challenge game, i bet 555crds with someone called eagleice2 good player... he declined my proposal but the tee off button showed green so i pressed it, then off we went and started playing.... I won, but diden't get payed? I don't know???