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Re: Turf Cheating Fixes

Thu, Feb 14 2019 8:27 AM (24 replies)
  • GCC51
    3 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2018 5:47 AM

    I agree, thanks for the suggestions 

  • Kenbo00
    434 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2019 9:44 AM

    Easy FIX. WGT... turn off Monaco during turf wars. Done. 


  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2019 10:42 AM

    I have been building up my coins for awhile to help our club in the TW and the growing need to possibly play Bellagio...

    I had believed this "glitch" or nuance had been fixed... but I still see it happening..  where your opponent stalls out the game or you get forced out and have to restart only to be timed out before you get back...

    I entered Bellagio last night, my opponent pulls their tee shot well left … I no sooner than hit my tee shot get the flashing inside 10 feet indication see my ball take a nice roll off the back slope and head towards the hole when the game stalls and forces me to try and reenter...

    Seems awfully coincidental that I throw my first shot tight in a 3 hole match in Bellagio and likely to go 1 up for the game to stall out all of a sudden.

    This issue was a rampant problem awhile ago.. I thought it had been fixed but it appears it still exist in Bellagio no less...

    Now WGT charges people if they were to pay $99.50 for 2.5 million coins.   So, that is in essence someone taking about a $100 bucks from you.

    I get the game has flaws and various factors can be at play... but this has been known to be an intentional act done by other players at times to force the winning player to lose even when they are ahead....

    Desktop players often say... only play the people you know... well... in TW you don't get to choose your competition normally unless those people are strategically undermining the game and intentionally trying to match up with one another to manipulate a TW.  

    I was working on helping the club with TW but if this kind of stuff doesn't stop it ruins the playing experience for those involved... 

    If people want to swap coins back and forth or stand around and jerk each other off, go ahead, but the rest of the community doesn't have to stand around and watch... if participation drops maybe WGT will notice this crap is not going to be tolerated... 

    Fix the exploits or those seeking to play honestly will simply stop playing.  

    I don't need the worthless coins, but I am not going to let jerks effectively take them without earning them by playing better ...

    Sorry, for the rant... just get fed up with some of this...  I realize WGT may genuinely be trying to work or address these things, but it is the people who exploit or undermine the spirit of competition that can sour the game for others...



  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Wed, Feb 13 2019 3:07 PM

    Another suggestion would be to only get Turf War coins if you opponent is in the CC that you are paired against. As it stands now you aren't actually competing against the CC you are paired against. 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, Feb 14 2019 8:27 AM


    Another suggestion would be to only get Turf War coins if you opponent is in the CC that you are paired against. As it stands now you aren't actually competing against the CC you are paired against. 

    the obvious flaw here is ... 

    Club one sends their best player into various rooms until they match up against someone in club 2.  They win.

    Then Club 1 doesn't play coin rooms until the TW is over.

    Personally i think it should be a net.


    Currently it's all about how many coins you win but not about what you lose.

    i could theoretically have 100 million points but only break even on the day or even lose coins. (don't think i've ever had that bad a day but... the point remains)


    I've always said it should be winnings minus losses for each personal score plus the sum total for the club.