Hey guys, I noticed while playing this club today that the yardages on everything but the full shot are incorrect. I've already submitted this to WGT for a fix, but I don't want anyone to be frustrated in the mean time.
After a little practice and experimenting, here's what I've discovered:
Full Shot: Reported as 86, goes 86.
Punch Shot: Reported as 80, goes about 71.
Flop Shot: Reported as 37, goes about 30.
Pitch Shot: Reported as 31, goes about 27.
Chip Shot: Reported as 16, goes about 14.
All shots but the chip shot were struck on flat fairway with the target also being flat fairway. All other wedges travel their reported distances on shots from FW to FW so I'm pretty sure the above #'s are correct or damn close. The chip shot was practiced from FW to green.