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Re: I'm ready to give up, Help

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 23 2011 3:48 PM (7 replies)
  • seviekaiser
    30 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 2:28 PM

    I'm ready to give up .  I can't seem to handle playing with decent clubs.  I need to find help.  I also wish WGT  could get more types of survey offers, because it seems I no

    longer qualify for any.  If anybody would be willing to help, please come foorward.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 5:41 PM

    The best clubs here aren't going to help you if you don't play smart. The clubs you have will serve you well as you advance but you need to play to them, not just hit them and deal with the result. Instead of trying to recover from bad tees with miraculous recovery shots, take your medicine, get back in the fairway and then go for the green. 

    Do not be afraid to lay up to a club distance you like. This will help you get closer to the pin and reduce your putts. Learn how to get out of the different roughs and traps. Laying up helps keep you out of them. Basically, develop your short game by learning all 5 shots with your wedges. This alone will help your scrambling % and sand saves. It will get you shorter putts.

    A look at your stats says you spend a lot of time in the rough and traps and can't recover. This is where you spend your practice time. Learn those shots by setting up a practice round, find a trap, hit into it, get out and hit back into it. Try pitches and flops. Do the same with the various roughs. Hit into them, out and back in. You get 10 shots a hole and practice doesn't count against your average.

    The Chip and Pitch Tips article is well worth understanding. Spend some time with it and I'm sure you'll figure your game out. Just think smart and manage your shots as well as the course. You'll get it.  GL


  • seviekaiser
    30 Posts
    Fri, Jul 22 2011 2:59 PM

    To any of my wgt friends, I made a mistake by get rid of my good clubs because of my losing too many golf balls, I have to play with what I have.  If you want to remove me as a friend, go ahead.  I don't deserve friends who give gifts, and I screw up.  If anyone is willing to still be a friend.  Please let me play in matches.  I'm not going to give up if I can prove to myself that I can do with these clubs.  Please let me know if this is right.

  • ifixpcs
    130 Posts
    Fri, Jul 22 2011 4:47 PM

    Please let me know if this is right.

    The only thing wrong that I noticed was not acknowledging the previous FOUR PARAGRAPHS that a LEGEND spent typing for you.

    2,580 Posts
    Fri, Jul 22 2011 5:08 PM

    Sevie, YJ said it nicely there. We all go through a bad stage once in a while. Learn from your first shots in each game. If your not getting the distance, give it a bit more in the next shot. If its rolling instead of stopping like you expect it to, then give it a bit less. Stick with it, it will eventually turn around for you. 

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Fri, Jul 22 2011 5:19 PM


    The best clubs here aren't going to help you if you don't play smart. The clubs you have will serve you well as you advance but you need to play to them, not just hit them and deal with the result. Instead of trying to recover from bad tees with miraculous recovery shots, take your medicine, get back in the fairway and then go for the green. 

    Do not be afraid to lay up to a club distance you like. This will help you get closer to the pin and reduce your putts. Learn how to get out of the different roughs and traps. Laying up helps keep you out of them. Basically, develop your short game by learning all 5 shots with your wedges. This alone will help your scrambling % and sand saves. It will get you shorter putts.

    A look at your stats says you spend a lot of time in the rough and traps and can't recover. This is where you spend your practice time. Learn those shots by setting up a practice round, find a trap, hit into it, get out and hit back into it. Try pitches and flops. Do the same with the various roughs. Hit into them, out and back in. You get 10 shots a hole and practice doesn't count against your average.

    The Chip and Pitch Tips article is well worth understanding. Spend some time with it and I'm sure you'll figure your game out. Just think smart and manage your shots as well as the course. You'll get it.  GL


    to add on to what YJ so skillfully added let me point out something that I and YJ mean. Take a look at these 2 stats of yours. Then go look at the average good players same 2 stats (average around 60% and up).

    Sand Save %6.13% 
    Scrambling %13.43%

    While you have played some of the tougher courses you need to spread them all out equally. Are they tough, yes they are and rightfully so. is this your some degree yes but to come to your defense there are many who have done the same. They focus to much energy playing the easier courses to lower their averages and get the credits for moving through the tiers. and then suddenly somewhere around pro to master the game has gotten really, really tough and then they become discouraged. I know this because I was one of those unfortunate to find myself where you now are.YJ is correct, and I would dare say 90% of your focus right now should be on pitching, chipping, flopping and sand/wedge play in and around the green. You will find that once you realize this and focus on this your game will start to improve. Good luck and hope to see you on the course.....

  • seviekaiser
    30 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2011 12:45 PM

    My numbers aren't changing , what can I do


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Jul 23 2011 3:48 PM


    My numbers aren't changing , what can I do




    you have to play rated games, rg's, tournaments or multiplayer games. practicre mode, blitz, or alt shot, do not count
