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Re: Putting Tip: Distance Control

Mon, Jan 2 2023 5:14 PM (1,173 replies)
  • dryspot
    771 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 4:05 PM

    on the 150 foot scale there are 10 movements each 1 represents 15 ft i think.

  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,075 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 9:40 PM

    Fantastic! This will help me out allot! THANKS!



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:52 AM


    on the 150 foot scale there are 10 movements each 1 represents 15 ft i think.

    Sounds good.

    I you're ever unsure about the distance in each Avatar movement, just move the mouse and count the number of movements and then divide that by the Putt scale you are on.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 5:18 AM

    stop guessing, use this 
     I have already received some requests for the putter graph for the new Nike and have just finished. For those who have never used my putter graph which is rather unimaginative, but works wonders. Here is the list that I have available. 

    30, 60, 90 & 15, 30, 60 scale



    30, 45, 60 scale 


    15, 25, 50


    10, 20, 50 Scale

    Note: Others can be designed for lower putters if I have the top 3 scales.

    Do not print the picture above, it is not scaled to your screen!
    if you would like to have the file please send me a message with your email. User must have Microsoft Excel or the free viewer can be dowloaded. Simple to follow instructions to scale to your screen. If you would like to donate a sleeve of Nike lvl 71's ball I would appreciate it but it is not required.

    EDIT: The speeds were originally developed for the Tour Master and Legend. Note, this is only designed to give you a starting base. Personally I use the Daytona, as a legend a flat putt is about 1 to fast but as a tour master it was just right. I would suggest you use it for a while and you will figure out where you need to be.


    UPDATED 4-16-12The ruler can now be downloaded here Bilko's Putter Pal Link.

    added a conversion chart for green speeds.

    For those who gave me golf ball's thank you so much, your kindness was a breath of fresh air in today's world.

  • bambino12
    633 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:56 PM

    HI just used your putting guide and shot 5 under at andrews what a difference your guide makes great work and has helped me no end thanks for all the work you put into it a help for everyone at all levels.


  • satupool
    30 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 2:20 AM

    When I hit the putter 25 ft and 2 inches, how in the scale centimether (cm)? thank you

  • BaconButty
    116 Posts
    Tue, Oct 9 2012 2:28 PM

    how can you judge any putt when the game system used by wgt for putting changes for every diffrent putter and green speed. control and distance may work for the top 50 wgt players useing a pen playing with top clubs balls. (only) playing on torrny greens time after time. 

    there are 1000's apon 1000's of new players that have join this site for fun and left after finding out that the system wgt use is only set up for the top players.........

    your drive (long or short) is only to hit the farway and be safe.......YOUR NEXT SHOT INTO THE GREEN and how close you stop the ball from the flag is the key.....Remember folks, you can putt for Dough from 15ft or 2ft....

    think about your shot into the green. playing CTTH games over and over week after week after week will help.

    now l don't  always hit the ball 2ft from the pin so l need to read the above     

    its your game have fun.





  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 10:51 AM
    LarkinPats PUTTER GUIDE Learn how to calibrate any putter
    29 Aug 2011 at 12:18 AM

    PLEASE NOTE - Using the same basic starter formula, you can calibrate any and or all putters!

    This tutorial was written for the WGT Starter Putter on Fast and very fast Green Speeds.  If you are on slow or fast greens or using a different putter then the ranges and "movements" discussed within will vary for you.  However, regardless of what the green speed is or the putter you are using the formula to discover your ranges and movements is the same.


    The ability to putt well is the most important tool in your bag because putting represents a whopping 42% of your score.

     "Distance control is the key to great putting.  The speed you hit the putt determines its line; therefore, every putt other than a straight putt is determined by how hard you hit it."

    This guide will show you how to more consistently control your distance with the putter, so that you can shave a few important strokes off your score.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------by LarkinPat1

    If you're just getting started on the World Golf Tour then you may be having a little trouble getting used to the distance control.  You have probably had some putts that came up well short or blazed a trail by the hole and that can be frustrating at times.  Chances are you've played a golf game with some sort of meter before, however most of the time there were little markers to indicate 50%, 75% and so on.  Not so here on WGT.  You are greeted with a blank swing meter with no visual aids whatsoever.

    On the real golf course we gage the power of our putts by how far back we draw the putter in the back swing, but what you may not know is that you can do the same thing on the virtual course.  Check out the pictures below.

    On the 30 foot scale, the Starter putter has a total of 5 back wards movements.

    Obviously this is the rest position.  Click your mouse and drag it slowly forward.

    Right about here, we see the first movement.

    Now the 2nd... (see how the putter's back is touching the line)

    The 3rd... (the back is crossing the line now)

    The 4th... (now the front of the putter is on the line)

    Finally, the 5th motion back happens when you reach full strength.  You can see that almost the entire putter is over the line now.  Try this out for yourself. You will clearly be able to see the distinct movements.

    The Starter Putter has a 30 foot scale with 5 equal back wards movements.  30 feet divided by 5 movements is 6 feet per movement,  so each time the putter moves back wards you're at the 6 foot mark (or 12, or 18, you get the point).  On the 60 foot scale there are also 5 movements, each representing 12 feet of power.  On the 150 foot scale there are 9 equal movements with each representing 16.66 feet of power.  On the 300 foot scale there are also 9 equal movements with each movement representing 33.33 feet of power....

    Ok here is the break down,  When calibrating  the thing you should do, for quick reference!.  is write  down  the total # of movements, Per Each Power Setting,     Example, using  the 300foot setting,   It has a total of 9 movements.  Write down how much power Per movement is Totaling..   Example.    1st. move. 33.33ft.      2.moves= 66.66ft.       3.moves 99.99ft.       4.moves133.32ft.        5.moves166.64ft.       6. moves199.97ft.       7.moves233.31ft.      8.moves266.64ft.       9.moves299.97ft.  

    Now, after counting out each  movement  Per each setting,  Than make a graph for quick reference! 



    Ok,   you Must Always Use This Rule!  >   ADD 1.Foot,  per every INCH  going up Hill, To get your total Distance. & Subtract 1.Foot Per every Inch going down.

     Below, is the Starter Putter formula.

    1. 30 foot setting =   5 moves  X  6.ft   = 30ft.       so its =   6ft. `12ft. 18ft. 24ft. 30ft per movement 
    2. 60 foot setting   = 5 moves X 12.ft   = 60ft.    = 12. ft, 24ft, 36.ft.  48ft . & so on, GOT IT?
    3. 150 Ft setting    = 9 moves X  16. 66"  = 150ft
    4. 300 Ft setting   = 9 moves X  33. 33"  = 300ft

    TIP:  Watch the green speeds!  On faster greens you may find your 6 foot putts travel an additional foot or two.  You'll need to adjust your ranges for the varying green speeds.

    If you're using a putter other than the Starter, you'll need to apply the formula and figure out the movements for yourself.  Draw the putter back slowly and count each time your avatar physically moves. Note the space between the movements to see if they are the same.  If they are the same then this is easy.  You simply divide the number of feet (30, 60, 90 etc) by the number of movements.  If all but the last movement is equal then most likely the last movement is a half and you'll need to do a little guessing.  For example, the 60ft iWi Anser putter scale has 7 full movements and 1 half movement.  If we multiply 7.5 x 8, we get 60.  After a few putts of verification, you'll know if you guessed your measurements right.

    TIP:  When you purchase a new putter, always map your distances first in a practice round!  Start with standard speed to get your baseline and then move to the green speed that you play the most.

    BONUS TIP:  Male and Female avatars have different ranges and movement numbers on the same putters!  For example, Female avatars using the 30 foot starter putter actually have 6 movements with 5 feet per movement instead of 5 for 6 like the men.  Be sure to watch out for this ladies!

    Having plenty of speed is important, because an ideal putt does not fall in the front door drunk.  If you are not familiar with the phrase "Never up, never in", it's all about leaving your putt short.  The ball can't go in the hole if it doesn't have enough power to get there, so good putts will always have enough speed to run 2 or 3 feet beyond the hole.  The added speed is important and helps the putt "hold the line" so it will roll more true. 

    When it comes to elevation changes the general rule of thumb is to add 1 foot of power for every inch uphill and subtract 1 foot for each inch downhill.  Please remember that this is not an exact formula. Green speed will have a lot to do with your calculation here, so practice is the only way to zero in on the right approach.  Tinker with it and you'll eventually find the right touch that works for you.

    Downhill putts generally go slow.  We strike them with less force because we don't want to ram them way past the hole.  When you are putting downhill you can expect the break to have a more noticeable effect because the ball does not have as much forward motion to fight the break.  Conversely, uphill putts move faster and break less because they are struck firmly with enough power to fight against the break.  When you're putting uphill you're not usually worried about going too far past the hole, so don't be afraid to hit it.  Give it a good stroke and expect less break than normal.  Just like the PGA Pros, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the topography of the greens.  Knowing where to land your approach so you leave yourself a straight uphill putt is crucial to knocking off those extra strokes, especially on difficult courses like Oakmont where position is everything on the green.

    Finally, always... ALWAYS pay extra special attention to the color of the putting grid.  Black sections are flat, blue sections indicate an uphill swing and red sections indicate downhill.  The more vibrant the color, the more severe the change in elevation. 

    Also, here is the True to form explanation of Green Speeds, 


    Explaining the formula in the chat box during game play, however, could be distracting to players not interested in the knowledge.  It seemed to me that more advantage would be gained by referring players to here for proper perusal - good digestion is key to every diet, and that includes golfing tips.

    This formula is a three step process.  I recommend that players shoot a round or two solo when first learning to apply it.  The shot clock has an unnerving affect on my arithmetic, and I hope to correctly assume that I'm not the only person who can't add under pressure.

    First, let's lay down some constants:

    Tournament Speed = -30% (yes, that's a minus sign)

    Very Fast = -20%

    Fast =-0%

    Standard =+10%

    Slow =+20%

    Got that?  It's a predictable trend, and since most of us end up shooting on Very Fast or Tournament greens, only the top two are really important to remember.  Now, for the formula:

    Distance = ((feet to cup - (percentage) + Xft) + (elevation x 1ft)

    Confusing, right?  Here's an example:

    Imagine that you're 18ft from the cup on a Very Fast green, and the blue panel has a down arrow with 3in.  That means that the cup is 3 inches below the ball, right?  Let's apply the formula:

    18ft - 20% = 14.4ft.  On a VERY FAST green, add 2 feet to that for 16.4ft.  Now, subtract 3 feet (3in drop, remember?) and you get 13.4 feet.  As always, add a little bit more to your putt so it doesn't stop right on the rim.  So you'd shoot this for about 14ft.

    But what if the panel indicates a rise of, say, 4 inches?  Let's see:

    18ft - 20% = 14.4ft.  Add 2 feet to that for 16.4 ft.  So far the same.  But this time, we ADD 4 feet because the cup is 4 inches HIGHER than the ball.  So in this case, we have a total distance of 20.4 feet.  Again, remember to add a little to that to make sure the ball doesn't stop an inch short.  I would shoot this one about 21.4 feet to make sure.

    Now let's work these two examples for a Tournament green:

    3 inch drop - 18ft. -30% = 12.6 ft.  Add ONE foot for 13.6ft.  Now subtract the 3 feet for the 3 in. drop, you get 10.6 feet.  Again, add just a tiny bit.  I'd shoot this 18 foot putt about 11.5 ft worth. 

    4 inch rise - 18ft. -30% = 12.6ft.  Add ONE foot for 13.6ft.  Now ADD 4 feet for the 4in. rise, for a total of 17.6ft.  Now add a foot to that (my rule of thumb, on long level putts and uphill putts I add a foot.  Less for downhill).  Your total is 18.6ft.

    Hopefully you can see the trend.  Just think percentage (Tournament = -30%, VF = -20%, etc), then add either one or two feet (depending on VF or T), then account for drop or rise by adding or subtracting a foot for every inch or rise or drop, as necessary.  Then add a bit to make sure.  Once you get into the rhythm it becomes second nature.

    This takes PRACTICE!  But mastering this formula will guarantee that you'll almost never three-putt a green again.

  • LarkinPat1
    83 Posts
    Fri, Oct 19 2012 10:57 AM

    150ft setting,  is 16.66ft per move,  this is on Fast & very fast greens totaling 9 moves

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 8:45 AM


    150ft setting,  is 16.66ft per move,  this is on Fast & very fast greens totaling 9 moves

    Regarding your previous post.....

    LarkinPats PUTTER GUIDE Learn how to calibrate any putter

    Hmmm this material looks familiar



    and this
