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Re: Golf with Gonefission winter 2019

Mon, May 6 2019 3:38 AM (108 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2019 1:49 PM


    No worries folks.

    I'll get the last day done up this weekend.



    Us hangers on is still wonderin, it's kinda like an unfinished symphony. Did the cat eat your homework ? Alien abduction ? Real world interfere with the much more important virtual one where we get to live vicariously through others' exploits ? Imma hang around, seat edge is gettin' pretty worn.

    Doc :)


  • dekronk
    238 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2019 4:00 PM

    Sorry, couldn't resist :)

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2019 4:19 PM

    Us hangers on is still wonderin


    Just got off the phone with Joe, he promised to finish this soon...real life got in the way.


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Apr 18 2019 4:21 PM


    It seems to be to me and every one else that we have lost something along the way , The times we once knew and looked forward to have gone away .  The game has changed from what it was that we once enjoyed for a different reason . 


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2019 4:03 AM



    Just got off the phone with Joe, he promised to finish this soon...real life got in the way.



    Thanks , I kinda figgered. Good to hear from you, hope all is well .

    @ Opy, don't write it off yet m'friend, there's still a core. We may be a lil' disorganized, disheveled & disfunctional, but, I've seen sicker dogs get up & run.



  • gonfission
    2,267 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2019 8:21 AM


    Us hangers on is still wonderin, it's kinda like an unfinished symphony. Did the cat eat your homework ? Alien abduction ? Real world interfere with the much more important virtual one where we get to live vicariously through others' exploits ? Imma hang around, seat edge is gettin' pretty worn.

    Doc :)

    Chasing mermaids is as close to real life, and my exploits can get me right now. I have been involved in the most ridiculous quasi life entanglements, as the sailors of old were, when things all around you made you question reality...

    Just got off the phone with Joe, he promised to finish this soon...real life got in the way.

    Yes, Wayne was able to catch, and reel me in, momentarily. One of the very few I would answer the never ending cell communications, peeps have tried to have with me , for the last month & a half.

    The ONLY one that was deserving of conversing with. As all others were so off the wall, I told some number from Illinois, I did not recognize, to suck my 9 inch wonder worm...

    As an aside, Mike has been texting me with the latest trends in men's golf wear. He has designs on my new attire apparently, this year.

    Part of the ending story of our travels will unfold the bold, brash look, Mike was sporting on Tiburon. I was aghast when I witnessed the twilight zoneishness ( is that a word) of his preferred garb of the day.

    Hell, if they let me out in my knickers, then they'd let anyone out there......

    I digress. 

    Turned out to be the top dog at the company, that hired the company, I am currently deciding whether or not to stay with.

    The guy sounded like a telemarketer... I am very innovative when it comes to dealing with telemarketers......

    Haven't heard from him since. The project manager told me, " you scared him"...LOL

    Money, time, well spent.

    My time at this hokey pokey place has been a far better story to live vicariously through Doc. I'll fill you in, ( in time ) when I get another breather, as today.

    Personally, I think I'll find the mermaid first, before I find any semblance of normality working for the SIMON GROUP!!!

    Wash the mud off your feet, before stepping on the mall sidewalks, in a tub of water with a brush, IN THE RAIN!!!

    This was an e-mail sent to me the day after I agreed to work in the rain, ONE TIME!!

    As if the RAIN would not do the job of washing the silt off the sidewalk itself, WTF?

    This has been WAY more entertaining than our golf outing, however, not HALF as entertaining as Opy's cat & mouse story. I had a smile from ear to ear the next day after reading that.

    I think Opy has lived a secret life on the flip side, that he let's us peek into once in a blue moon.

    Well done indeed, Opy......

    So, I just had my first night of uninterrupted sleep, since the outing with Mikey.

    The drugs from India, are as good as the ones the jagoff doctors in America, WON"T give us anymore, and warn us of the disastrous effects, the India one's have on our heath.

    What a fooking disaster, I feel re-fooking born again into my 30's. If that's the disastrous side effects, feeling BETTER than ever, for ever, since they booted everyone off them, then India has my business in perpetuity...

    Screw big Pharma!!!

    Okay, gonna make something to eat, then come back Ta ta ta ta DAY, and finish the SW Floridian bonanza outing.


    Doc's like, Holy shite, he's baiting me again...

    Mustn't get in Dutch with the Doc......


    Image result for Dutch Merchants Never trust a doctor that wears a neck brace. Prolly self medicating. And, what's that gadget in his right hand? Anything can be a dild* if you're brave enough.

    AH, the early days of medicine. When everything was opiate, and cocaine concoctions.

    Thems was the days...


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2019 12:07 PM

    Joe, I'm confident that if anyone can get his (sh)it sorted, it's you. This is not time sensitive material, take all ya need. We'll be waitin on chapter & verse in your extraordinary elocution.

    Doc :)

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2019 7:08 PM

    Okay, gonna make something to eat, then come back Ta ta ta ta DAY, and finish the SW Floridian bonanza outing.

    Hey Doc,

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2019 3:38 AM

    Yep, I'll buy, Wayne. Make mine a manhattan, barkeep, an keep 'em coming, looks like this may take a while...

    Doc :)