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Re: Clash 93

rated by 0 users
Sat, Feb 23 2019 6:52 AM (56 replies)
    420 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2019 10:47 PM


    3)  It's ridiculous that they still have the courses set as a random draw.  Sometimes it is very unfair what selection of courses one team is getting compared to another (and I have been on both sides of this in the past 2+ years since I started participating in Clashes).  Also, it is very boring for those of us who might Clash for 12 straight hours or more in a day to get the exact same course over and over and over again.  I played one Clash where our team got 9 of the 11 rounds on one course!  They should create it so that everyone is playing the same course in each and every one of the eleven Clashes....and rotate the courses so that if someone is playing for three straight four-hour Clashes that they would see three different courses during that time.  This would also fix the "It's not fair what courses we got when so-and-so CC got these courses" complaint (which is truly valid).

    4)  WGT should hire me.   :)

    We got RSG 8x, Congo 2x and StAs 1x. Never saw the fourth course. Seriously, why bother with a random draw, WGT. Wouldn't it be simpler and fairer if all matches that begin up to four hours into the clash are played on course A, matches starting 4 to 8 hours in play course B, 8 to 12 hours in course C, 12-16 hours in course D etc.

    Any club that plays the full 11 match fixture will play the same courses as each other and get variety. 

    You're welcome Mr WGT. I'll send you the invoice.

  • zebbydog
    225 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2019 11:26 PM

    I went to bed last night with rounds 10 and 11 still to play after playing 13 rounds over the 2 days, i get up at 6AM  with still an hour to go in the current event  and yes all our clubs standings have been wiped and only the past results and where we finished in the table are visible I have no idea how I  finished in my club rankings until someone tells me which could take up to a week. Come on WGT at least leave the figures up until the event finishes, some of us expend a lot of time, effort and credits in these events.

  • callaghan159
    6,405 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 5:14 AM

    if they didn't set up Clashes like this one in 30 mph hurricane-like winds.

    I look at the high winds as a challenge whether its in a clash or a club tournament. If you don't play them isn't it like playing all your rounds from the red tees. You will never be good at all aspects of this game. I don't play the clash much because I find playing the same course for 4 hours very boring. I would rather watch paint dry. Make the clashes 2 hours long and I would play more requiring me to buy passes which means more $$ in WGT pocket. Also why only 3 or 4 courses ? They have lots to choose from. 

  • marksusie
    959 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 6:52 AM

    Can someone tell me how some clubs can get 13 clashes in and have 2 hours remaining and When I have never been able to get more than 11 clashes in. If a clash last 4 hours and the Duration of the Clash is 48 hours, how does that = 13 clashes.

  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 5:59 PM

    I look at the high winds as a challenge whether its in a clash or a club tournament. If you don't play them isn't it like playing all your rounds from the red tees. You will never be good at all aspects of this game.

    Unlike Callaghan, I enjoy clashes.  They are voluntary in BD, and those that play them enjoy them.

    On what I quoted … I agree 100%.  Have to learn it all.  It is not necessary or desirable to start every game expecting to shoot 27 (unless you are 1 on of the few big shots in this game) or lower your average.  One has to learn under all conditions.


    P.S.  All the really top players know how to play in high winds.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 6:23 PM


    if they didn't set up Clashes like this one in 30 mph hurricane-like winds.

    I look at the high winds as a challenge whether its in a clash or a club tournament. If you don't play them isn't it like playing all your rounds from the red tees. You will never be good at all aspects of this game. I don't play the clash much because I find playing the same course for 4 hours very boring. I would rather watch paint dry. Make the clashes 2 hours long and I would play more requiring me to buy passes which means more $ in WGT pocket. Also why only 3 or 4 courses ? They have lots to choose from. 



    if they didn't set up Clashes like this one in 30 mph hurricane-like winds.

    I look at the high winds as a challenge whether its in a clash or a club tournament. If you don't play them isn't it like playing all your rounds from the red tees. You will never be good at all aspects of this game. I don't play the clash much because I find playing the same course for 4 hours very boring. I would rather watch paint dry. Make the clashes 2 hours long and I would play more requiring me to buy passes which means more $ in WGT pocket. Also why only 3 or 4 courses ? They have lots to choose from. 

    If they could limit the amount of times a course could be played and then say to the best score per player  I think you would get more clubs involved.  In the end though it's about who can be bothered banging it around the most, and that is why it's not taken seriously for skill and thus why most clubs who could don't..................OK the prizes are crap too but I think people would pay to play if skill became involved as a deciding factor.  Decisions for WGT from several angles.............

  • jacktrade51
    11,200 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 8:10 PM

    If they could limit the amount of times a course could be played and then say to the best score per player  I think you would get more clubs involved.  In the end though it's about who can be bothered banging it around the most

    When they changed the scoring just over a year ago, I objected pretty strongly.  Most of the players who responded (including owners), disagreed with me.  So Black Diamond GC adjusted.  It has been litigated.  Subject over.  (Still think I was right, lol.)

    The only thing I would ask is that if WGT screws around with this again, they would consult with some owners of clubs that play clashes.