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Fri, May 31 2019 11:26 AM (77 replies)
  • MCalderon402
    348 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 3:09 PM

    Are there plans to change the way coins are counted to account for loses? It is a shame no bigger rooms will be created. Mighty and I have had monaco matches between us and streamed just like many other individuals on here and they are fun definitely increases the focus and adrenaline. 

    you guys listen to the masses but not to logic regarding wins and loses. It is pathetic 

  • mightyj3
    45 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 3:49 PM

    The way I see it is you are more focused on clashes., when there are a lot of players love turfs.

    Why should we not get the same turf bonus of 15 percent as someone playing in bellagio. 

    Why should I burn 20 passes to get 100 million when 1 can do that easily

    Why not make bigger coin rooms instead then we can all be happy as surely that's what needs to be done to evolve the game  instead of flat out declining giving no reason or explanation as to why 

    You created fanduel so it's not impossible 


  • BenjyLafond
    11 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 4:32 PM

    Champion, just curious why my earlier post was not posted.  I merely pointed out that one of the earlier posts by someone happy about Monaco being out of play in TW because now they wouldn't have to worry about gentlemans' agreements being broken was pretty ironic since I happened to match one of that club's players who had at least 6.5 million coins in Monaco when that "top Turf War club" was in a turf war with another good TW club with just an hour left and they were behind.

    Sometimes you have to call a spade a spade.

  • MCalderon402
    348 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 6:13 PM

    Well said Joe. It is unreal that we need to buy multiple passes to put up a decent score where a monaco match would give us a 15% reward on the risk we are taking on coins. 

    yet we really do not get a price for winning. We get a super pass that gets used in clashes, the revenue generator for WGT and therefore disregarding us coin and mobile players. Maybe instead of a super pass we should have prizes like clashes! 

    PC players have it easy with game modes, brackets only for them. We can’t even use apparel in club nor brackets and I believe we should. 

    i guess this post like many others on this forum go on deaf ears and blind eyes! WGT at its finest! 

  • Dave33200
    2,955 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 7:57 PM

    Thank you Champ. 


    It’s not going to eliminate the coin dumpers but it will limit how much they can dump. You made TW’s worth playing again.




  • jason01291
    417 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 11:31 PM




  • Schmails3
    173 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2019 4:10 PM

    Great news....  a club vs club competition should be an actual club activity.  Not one where 1 person can win a war by themselves.  I think the whole turf war and coin dumping esculated when Bellagio went from 9 to 3 holes.  Adding more rooms at higher value probably would do the same.  A club vs club competion is more fair now and about building a club. Not just having one person with many coins. Also the premise of these were you pulled random competion and didnt set up big fake coin games for wars.  We all know many are played legit but we still know others who drop coins in meaningless wars to get that 15% bonus to add to their stack.  Lets not forget the point of this game isnt about how many silver coins you have that you cant really do nothing with but about having fun competing and the competion for all players and clubs involved.  This change really affects 4 or 5 clubs and half of those can still beat most any other club in wars without monaco.  You can still play the big coin games if you want.  

  • davidschroff
    15 Posts
    Fri, May 31 2019 11:26 AM


    I think most of us are very happy with the decision to remove Monaco, so thank you! You have eliminated the last minute 950M Monaco win that turns a TW into kind of a joke. With so many coins in circulation, it might make sense to consider looking at higher entry rooms with maybe 5M or 10M entry or consider net winnings instead of gross to make it a more true test of competition. Anyhow, thank you for the change - we are happy to see it happen! 
