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Wed, Apr 24 2019 4:26 AM (2 replies)
  • muggle420
    13 Posts
    Mon, Apr 22 2019 6:56 PM

    FIx the "DO YOU WANT TO QUIT" bug when I'm shooting -3 or -5 and winning, it still asks if I want to quit because I'm to far behind. Get rid of that option all together . It's F'ing stupid to allow anyone to quit when there are so many issues with quitters.

    Also you should explain better to people that if they finish with a round that is Even or + strokes It DOES NOT effect their average. That is why these people quit. They think they if the quit the score wont count WHEN IT WONT COUNT ANYWAY because of the way the handicap system works.

    Also when people quit, the group playing with that person is penalized at the end of the round by getting less XP for themselves and for the club. Fix that... It's not fair to people who don't quit and try to play with a full 4some so they get max XP. It can take a long time to play a 4some for 9 holes and if everyone leaves and I'm the only one that finishes my XP should still consider I was playing with a 4some that QUIT one me because the sucked that game. We should get the full XP for dealing with that BS.


    People pay real money to play this game. You guys need to fix these issues. 

  • hpurey
    11,520 Posts
    Tue, Apr 23 2019 12:07 PM

    I've seen the message too.  Usually after someone has quit earlier in the round so the game thinks their score is what it was when they quit.  I just laugh to myself and click no, then move on.


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2019 4:26 AM

    People pay real money to play this game

    Myself and a lot of people don’t, just watch a video or two.