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Re: average score tally

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Mon, Apr 29 2019 12:12 PM (7 replies)
  • greg1100
    33 Posts
    Tue, Apr 23 2019 2:38 PM

    I m a Tour legend have been at this tear for quite some time and my average score fluctuates dramatically . I understand for the first 200 rounds it will fluctuate each round.

    it 1 year later it and the ave. still moves + .01 at - 3 score +.03 on a even round stays even at -4and drops .01 on  -5 score

    where can I see how many games I have played at my current tear level

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Apr 23 2019 7:17 PM


    I m a Tour legend have been at this tear for quite some time and my average score fluctuates dramatically . I understand for the first 200 rounds it will fluctuate each round.

    it 1 year later it and the ave. still moves + .01 at - 3 score +.03 on a even round stays even at -4and drops .01 on  -5 score

    where can I see how many games I have played at my current tear level

    There's no place to see the number of ranked rounds at your current tier. It's something you just need to keep track of yourself.

    But if you're good at spreadsheets, you could approximate the number of ranked rounds you have by tracking increases and decreases over the next few rounds or so. 

    By the way, the consensus seems to be the new number for saturation at Tour Legend is 750 rounds rather than 200. It changed back in December when WGT added the new Tour Champion tier. 

  • DufferJohn7
    3,581 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2019 10:44 AM

    y the way, the consensus seems to be the new number for saturation at Tour Legend is 750 rounds rather than 200. It changed back in December when WGT added the new Tour Champion tier.

    Adding to Roberts comment I was saturated with about 365 total RRs as TL when the changes were made.  It appears I was grandfathered my best 200 RRs and my average at that time.  My WGT average has been slowly climbing.  I just completed 300 RRs since the changes so I asume I now have a total of 500 RRs as TL.  I've been hoping the change was from 200 to 500 not 750 so I'll know soon which it is.  If my WGT average keeps climbing it's 750.

    Have fun and hit 'em straight,


  • BHenke2
    397 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2019 1:48 PM

    I've been hoping the change was from 200 to 500 not 750 so I'll know soon which it is.  If my WGT average keeps climbing it's 750.

    It is definitely 750 ranked rounds to reach saturation. Ask me how I know! I started keeping track after the changes in December and finally reached saturation a couple of weeks ago. I was also already saturated at Tour Legend prior to the changes.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2019 2:26 PM

    But if you're good at spreadsheets, you could approximate the number of ranked rounds you have by tracking increases and decreases over the next few rounds or so. 

    This will work with patience, especially if you can get the more accurate average available somewhere (?) on mobile. I think in this case there may be an easier way.

    Assuming immediately after the update all TL's were at 200 rr's or less, and the lack of dramatic increases in averages suggests that to be true, then the op has no more than 350 rr's at TL.

    Greg if your average only started going up again, as well as down, after the update on the 19th Dec then you can assume you were at 200 rr's on that date.  Your score history goes back to then so you can simply add how many rr's you've played since.  If you weren't saturated you could still count them up and know you have less than 200 + them, this will give a good starting point for what Robert suggested.


  • greg1100
    33 Posts
    Thu, Apr 25 2019 5:05 PM

    Thank you for the replies

    I see I spelled tier wrong.

    I set up a spread sheet .  Good advise


  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2019 10:51 AM

    Here's another way to see where you are at as you progress towards saturation.



    WGT - Rounds of saturation 


    For all those wondering how many rounds they HAVE ALREADY PLAYED TOWARD THEIR SATURATION for their tier and don’t (or haven’t) kept up with their play since their last tier move, here is a way to estimate the rounds that are included in your saturation.


    Step1. Play a ranked round tourney that will count (not a par 3 or 5, CTTH, putting contests, etc).  This will change your average.

    Step2. Requires you to get on mobile version of game.  To get this average to 5 decimal places you’ll have to play a coin game. Click on a coin game and while it searches for an opponent write down your average to 5 decimal points. (Can quickly exit game without playing if you want)  This number will be A1.


    Step3. Go play another Club tourney  (regular ranked round). Write down what you shot. For a 9 hole game, multiply by 2. This number will be S2.


    Step4. This will change your average. Go play another coin game on mobile to get your average to 5 decimal places. While it searches for an opponent write down your average to 5 decimal points. This number will be A2.


    Step5. Calculate the number of rounds you have played towards your saturation point  X. 




    Hope that helps.



    I turned Legend with 411 ranked rounds. I have 1077 ranked rounds now. Ranked round include some  (custom courses) play the 1st Orange Sky (rr mobile club tourney) and shot 31. Play a coin game and my average to 5 decimal places is 61.57067. This number is A1. I play a 2nd Orange Sky and shot 31 again. Since this is a 9 hole tourney, I multiply by 2 and get 62. This number is S2. I play a coin game again and my new average to 5 decimal places is 61.57181. This number is A2. Now calculate the rounds you have played towards your saturation.





    I need another 124 rounds to saturate for Legend. (500-376)  After saturation, your average can only go down. Play out all rounds as any higher rounds will fall off the back end after your average is saturated. Only the your lowest 500 rounds count as legend tier after you exceed saturation level.



    Pro saturates at 20 rounds, 72 avg to tier up

    Tour Pro saturates at 25 rounds, 67 avg to tier up

    Masters saturate at 40 rounds, 63 avg to tier up

    TourMasters saturate at 50 rounds, 61 avg to tier up

    Legends saturate at 500 rounds, 60 avg to tier up

    Tour Legends saturate at 750 rounds, 59 avg to tier up

    Champions saturate at 200, 55 avg to tier up

    Tour Champion saturate at 200 rounds


    *info provided by a couple of my club members and proven to be accurate for our members.

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Mon, Apr 29 2019 12:12 PM

    Step2. Requires you to get on mobile version of game.  To get this average to 5 decimal places you’ll have to play a coin game.

    I have noticed that sometimes you can get a 3, 4, or 5 decimal point average on the mobile platform, but I have never seen or identified exactly what prompts it.  

    I was able to grab one number once, because I was aware that it happens occasionally, but I couldn't get a follow up number after that so my projections always had an estimation based on one's average being rounded up or down.  

    I suspect even using WGT numbers that are not exact and are rounded off... you can still use the formula suggested but recognize it will likely be plus or minus 5 rounds depending on whether the numbers were rounded up or down.

    thanks for sharing...