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Re: challenges

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Sun, Jun 10 2012 3:45 AM (3 replies)
  • glaswegian1952
    14 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 4:54 AM


    i get challenges from my pards by email to beat there score but when i click on the  box it takes me to the site and sayes access denied i dont have permission to view/download this 

    what is happening and how do i fix this as my buddy's think i am eggnoring them

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Aug 16 2011 11:41 AM



    i get challenges from my pards by email to beat there score but when i click on the  box it takes me to the site and sayes access denied i dont have permission to view/download this 

    what is happening and how do i fix this as my buddy's think i am eggnoring them


    i think it's a bug and we'rer trying to find it.


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2012 2:28 PM

    Speaking of challenges, is it possible to have them sent to our message box rather than to our email ID?   My challenges all go to my email and WGT doesn't play well with my browser that I get my email in, I use Comodo Dragon exclusively for WGT since it plays much better without all the crap of my AT&T browser,

  • RoboDave
    4 Posts
    Sun, Jun 10 2012 3:45 AM

    Hi out there..... HELP.. I wanted to write a new Post but I don't know how so I'm doing it this way.... My question:    How do I see the results of challenges that I've sent to friends....???

    When I recieve a challenge through e-mail, i just click on the link and begin to play, at the end of the round I see the comparison result that I have just played but see no way to see the results of challenges which I have sent out !!!! Can anyone out there help me???

