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Re: Coin rooms

Tue, Jul 9 2019 12:51 PM (7 replies)
  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 6:56 AM

    am I the only player who is fed up with being verbally abused in these coin rooms.? The language some players deploy just because they lose , would certainly not be acceptable in real life and I don’t see why it should be acceptable on here either. I screen shot the abuse , and will start to report these players to wgt , my question is .... will wgt do anything about it ? Kids play this game , and I believe it is unacceptable to put up with this nonsense. 


  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 7:12 AM

    If you send screen shots to WGT, they will absolutely do something about it. Typically, for a first offense, they'll give the person a warning and a short time out. After multiple times, they'll eventually ban the player. 

  • bossbird
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 7:20 AM

    Thanks for that Robert , that is what I shall do , I really think it needs to be stopped . 

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2019 8:00 AM


  • BronxBarrons154
    23 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2019 8:21 AM

    You are not the only one.  I did not go into the coin rooms at all last week for the first time sine I started playing in February.  I have been playing ranked games and deluding myself by playing in a few of the tournaments.  Those greens at Pebble Beach for the U.S. Open are a bear.   Makes me think of the time the USGA lost the greens at Shinnecock back in 2004. LOL

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2019 10:24 AM

    Some players just want to stir up things. I block them, and not read their chat. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2019 12:36 PM

    I don't play them anymore, unless my club needs me in order to win a turf war.  It seems that no matter what room I go into, according to my opponent,  I'm in the wrong room.  Like what's said before,  block them after ur game, but prior to playing shut ur chat off, then u can't see their garbage.  Unfortunately, u can't meet and greet some of the good people.  

  • Tony08888
    641 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2019 12:51 PM

    I usually start a round with "Good luck" and their reply generally lets me know their tone. Sometimes there is banter, somtimes its just "Ns" and "Ty", and then there are those you are referring to. When I get those type of players I quit opening the chat window after the first off color comment. I finish my round and move on.