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Re: Help I lost my swing scale like where it turns green on putt preview, the scale is gone there!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 13 2019 3:11 PM (19 replies)
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  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 7:36 AM

    Maybe I just have a dark cloud following me around here, but,,,
    1)I can't figure out how to watch my saved replays after asking others how.
    2)I've lost at least 3 balls I paid for without going out of bounds.
    3)I can't change view as needed to see if clearing trees or other obstacles.
    4)No way of trading experience points to purchase stuff so it seems kinda meaningless since all other meaningful stats are retained. 
    5)Glitches and odd things. Occasionally something odd happens, like; loose swing power meter, gain a floating gift box, can't change the view, but did for first part of the course, these anomalies are sorta bummers when you must reload which pissed off half the golfers so much, some of them run away. 

    Good luck with the glitches, these seem kinda large problems for such a long standing program. Thanks for your time and helpfulness. 

    If you're playing on a mobile device, then there is no way to watch replays. 

    You don't say how you lost the balls. If they didn't go out of bounds, what happened that resulted in you losing them? Of course, I trust you realize that balls have a limited number of hits on them. On average, each ball has about 110-120 hits (that does not include putts, unless one is in practice mode and takes a mulligan on a putt). 

    I'm not sure what you mean by point 3. I find that the overwhelming majority of holes provide camera positions that provide enough information.

    Experience points are useful for leveling up and unlocking better equipment. Simply because they serve a different function doesn't mean that they're meaningless.

    Yes, like any software, there are glitches. There are also the random "what the heck just happened!?!?!" shots. But overall, I think the game is excellent and consistent (in the aggregate). In other words, I've had just as many "how did that turn out so well" shots as I've had "I can't believe what just happened" shots. 

    Playing and scoring well in this game takes a number of things: a lot of patience, even more practice, better clubs, and some more patience. :-) 

  • DEsh5051
    8 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 5:08 PM

    No, Im not playing on a mobile device. I would still like to know how to watch the replays. 

    How did I loose the balls? I don't know since I did not go out of bounds, how would I know?

    It just happened again twice and very recently from my last set of three. I have only used mostly free unlimited balls, so I figure I could have hit the life out of them, so instead of it saying it expired, it says it's lost. Sounds like a perfectly good call, thanks! 

    Cant change the view, meaning it's fixed in location and focal point. All that would be needed is make one or both variable but return to standard configuration when not being adjusted. 

    For free the game is great, I like the fastest greens to learn the putting physics better. I miss shot shaping for off the green. But visual lack of adjustment to see one's way around obstacles is a glaring problem. 

    The game has great "looking" scenery, but with no camera tilting or swiveling, it's stunningly problematic for the few times trying to get around an obstacle.

    It's much more fun playing this game with upgraded equipment, but I agree, the basic game provides a nice platform for multiplayer gaming, which I have enjoyed, no complaints on that front. 

    Too much frustration, but plenty of free online multiplayer gaming that "looks" good. 

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2019 10:57 AM

    No, Im not playing on a mobile device. I would still like to know how to watch the replays.

    I guess I'm missing something here. Saved replays are on your profile page, under replays. It will only save the last 10. You should just be able to click on view to watch them. Are you saying that's not working for you? I just clicked on one and it displayed fine. 


    How did I loose the balls? I don't know since I did not go out of bounds, how would I know?

    It just happened again twice and very recently from my last set of three. I have only used mostly free unlimited balls, so I figure I could have hit the life out of them, so instead of it saying it expired, it says it's lost. Sounds like a perfectly good call, thanks! 

    It sounds as if you may have hit the ball in an area that is unmapped for that hole. One of things you will want to take notice of is the mini map. In essence, some of these areas are "out of bounds." But it (obviously) varies from hole-to-hole.

    For example, on some holes, players can hit into adjacent fairways (Chambers Bay, no. 2 comes to mind). On other holes, it's a risky shot trying to do that (certain holes on St. Andrews comes to mind here). You can hit to them, but the area that you hit to is fairly narrow landing area. It's easy to go out of bounds (St. Andrews, no. 7 comes to mind). 


      Cant change the view, meaning it's fixed in location and focal point. All that would be needed is make one or both variable but return to standard configuration when not being adjusted.

    For free the game is great, I like the fastest greens to learn the putting physics better. I miss shot shaping for off the green. But visual lack of adjustment to see one's way around obstacles is a glaring problem. 

    The game has great "looking" scenery, but with no camera tilting or swiveling, it's stunningly problematic for the few times trying to get around an obstacle. 

    I have no idea if implementing your camera suggestion is something that WGT could easily implement or not. And I'm guessing no one here really knows how easy or difficult that would be either. But again, the mini map can be pretty useful in those situations as well. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Sun, Jun 9 2019 8:39 PM

    I would still like to know how to watch the replays. 


    . But visual lack of adjustment to see one's way around obstacles is a glaring problem. 

    Robert addressed your questions but I can add a little to these.

    You have 8 replays saved on your profile page.  Just click the "My Profile" menu to get there and then scroll down.  They are there.

    It is really not that hard to "see around" obstacles like trees, hills, etc.  You can pick any camera view abailable and get a mental image of where things are - including you, the hole, and your aimer.  

    The courses here were developed with tons of topographic and vegetation (rough) data and a set number of camera views for each hole.  The chance of getting more camera views is approximately zero.  You get used to it.

  • DEsh5051
    8 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2019 4:20 AM

    I'm not really seeking more view spots, just add swivel and tilt so you can examine obstacles better to tell better if you will hit or not. 

    Yes, since I learned the replays are also available on my profile, I finally was able to watch them and delete two of them. 

    Thanks for all the clarifications. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Mon, Jun 10 2019 10:15 AM

    I'm not really seeking more view spots, just add swivel and tilt so you can examine obstacles better to tell better if you will hit or not. 

    You know there are no cameras mounted on the courses now that you could adjust in any fashion.  The pictures were taken from different view points at whatever direction was desired and that is all there is.  These are not like google street views - they are single shots.

    As to whether you might hit that tree that seems to be in the way - most learn by trial and error.  Sometimes a ball sails right through, sometimes not.  The obstacles are programmed in at specific 3-D coordinates, just like all the other features.

    It takes a while to get the hang of this.

  • DEsh5051
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jun 12 2019 3:40 PM

    No, Im talking about the golfer's view wherever it lands that's where he or she plays and views from. THAT view is static, when it could be given tilt and swivel same with other fixed views, But Im mostly concerned about the golfer's view which is always located conveniently very close to the ball. 

    Actually in real life, you get to use your eyes and brain to estimate if your shot is inline with an obstacle or not. To say that just guessing from vague familiarity is good enough, shows your bias for this game and not for golf. 

    I prefer games that simulate the real thing, to not cause unnecessary trouble, but the sportsmanship provided by the multiplayer experience is really nice.

    I like the way the game looks, peaceful, easy on the eyes, but I hate that you can't look around when it seems obvious to those who understand how games are mades, that there is scene data capable of being viewed by simply adding tilting (up or down) and rotating (left and right) to existing camera's.

    Adding tilt and swivel would be a major organic improvement. I'd pay to play this game if it didn't lack so bad in visual angle adjustment. Most of the time it's ok, sometimes it's fault is glaring and strong. 

    One shouldn't have to use the force Luke, to guess how to get around a tree, you should be able to examine the likely flight path to see if it would clear or not, but this game rarely lets that happen when trees or other obstacles get in the way. 

    The scenes are often visually compelling and enjoyable, so I figure it would be worth the upgrade price just to be able to view it all better and better judge obstacles, because you can finally see them. 

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2019 9:00 AM

    One shouldn't have to use the force Luke, to guess how to get around a tree, you should be able to examine the likely flight path to see if it would clear or not, but this game rarely lets that happen when trees or other obstacles get in the way. 

    Reminds me of the joke:

    Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.....

    Doctor: Don't do that.

    If you're not behind the tree, then you don't have to worry about the views from there. :-)

    Yes, it would be nice to have tilt and swivel options. But they wouldn't have as great of an effect as you imagine (IMO). 

    The game provides all the information that a player needs to score well. The proof is obvious. Simply look at the leaderboard of any tournament. And what's lacking can be overcome through experience (just like in real golf). In real golf, players don't always have all the information they need. It's not that unusual to encounter blind shots. 

    The game is fine. While it does require some adjustments on the part of player, those adjustments do not mean the game's faults are "glaring and strong" or that one has to use "the force" to determine how to hit a shot. Rhetorical flourish aside, that latter statement is a bit on the silly side. The game, however, does require one to use good course management skills (again, just like real-life golf). 

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2019 10:30 AM

    Regarding the putter pal, unless the OP was gifted some putter pal hits I could only find one purchase in the account activity of 10 putter pal hits.  Either more was gifted or there was a bug where the 10 hits didn't run out after 10 hits.  


    March 17, 2019
  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Thu, Jun 13 2019 3:11 PM

    but I hate that you can't look around when it seems obvious to those who understand how games are mades, that there is scene data capable of being viewed by simply adding tilting (up or down) and rotating (left and right) to existing camera's.

    Since my programming interests and experience started decades ago ( I will not comment about the year 1966), I understand how "games" and other software are developed and work.  It was also in that same time period when I began to play real golf.

    The point is: There are NO existing cameras, period.  None, zero, zip, nada.

    Whether is could be done differently (it could) does not matter, WGT has a big old photo album of static pictures that they flip through to show you certain predefined views.  Period.

    After you play a bit and look through the available views, it is not difficult at all to find what to avoid.  Very much like real life.  Every golfer can't fly drones around the course peeking and poking.

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