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Re: confused

Mon, Jun 3 2019 1:12 PM (14 replies)
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  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2019 6:36 PM


    Okay. That helps, but how would one accomplish that?  Is it simply a matter of many, many practice rounds before taking on a ranked round? Or, must many $ be invested in high end equipment; plus time spent charting clubs, balls, etc. before playing ranked rounds?

    All this may seem obvious, but I think I've been going about this the wrong way by only playing ranked rounds and trying to level up based on volume of playing experience - which of course involve lots of failure and learning the hard way. :-(


    All I did when I started playing here, ranked rounds...played the unlimited tourneys.


    You will have to gear up eventually, and with the re-starters....ya gotta pick your RG's....but het, if you like the it and enjoy it!


    Don't be afraid to toss WGT a few bucks here and then;)

  • AlaskanDame
    19,728 Posts
    Tue, May 28 2019 9:22 PM
    Your clubs do look fine, and your average is getting close to Legend. Am wondering about your CC. Are you getting good advice from your owner? There aren't many in your CC who have much experience/ranked rounds. CC's with advisors can help get you those last few .02's, and you don't have to use red-tee tournaments (unless you want to). If your owner (or other experienced people in your CC) is/are helping you, that's great. If not. . . .well, there are options.
  • jimshaw39
    675 Posts
    Wed, May 29 2019 2:54 PM


    You can get anything you want at WGT, if pony up the cash.  WGT is all about the money.

    As is it should be. The primary obligation of a business is to the shareholders. Nothing stops anyone from creating a similar game as a not-for-profit. Go for it, and good luck.


  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2019 9:56 AM

    Dont practise in a practise round.

    Pick an unlimited tourney, practise there under technically tounament conditions so to speak. 

    You dont have mulligans in a RR but you still get maximum shots reached so you in theory you can chip/pitch etc.

    As broad as it’s long.

    **dont** complete the round though, it will affect your average, especially if you max every hole

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Mon, Jun 3 2019 1:12 PM

    There are different ways to practice.

    At my stage, every round is still practice for me, whether it is ranked or practice mode.  I am still trying to learn.

    You can set the conditions for your practice round and you can take mulligans over and over trying to master different shots during the round.  You can put yourself most anywhere on a hole - bunker, rough, etc. - at various distances from the green to work on approach shots.  You can do these in practice mode - but not ranked mode.

    Playing a ranked round has the advantage of increasing the RR count so you move closer to the next tier (if that is your goal) and you can still learn on the shots you take.  And you might win a few credits, to boot!

    Either way, I make notes of what works on each hole for future reference.

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