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Re: Consecutive os off!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jun 8 2019 10:32 PM (9 replies)
  • MaxAsh
    59 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2019 7:21 AM

    I play DAILY. but consecutive always reverts me back to day one!

    See this site for ZULU time OFFICIAL!

    I am a airline pilot! I know zulu time!



  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2019 3:18 PM

    When you say you play daily, what does that play look like? Are you playing coin games every day? a daily practice round? or something else? 

    I ask because your score history demonstrates that you don't play a daily ranked round. And you have very few alt shot or match play rounds. 

    By the way, are you a mobile or PC player? 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2019 6:11 PM

    I know you said you understand zulu time - that is better than some.  You need to play at least one shot each day between the start and stop of the WGT day.  Starting a round or single hole 1 minute beore the WGT days starts will not satisfy the requirement for that new day.

    I get on and play one hole right after the new day starts to get the CDP bonus out of the way, but you can do it anytime in side that 24-hour period.

    As Robert noted, your score history shows you played twice on 27 May and twice on 29 May; then again on 1 June and 3 June and 6 June.

    You should see the countdown clock in the gameclient everytime you start it.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2019 8:33 PM

      I play DAILY. but consecutive always reverts me back to day one!

    See this site for ZULU time OFFICIAL!

    I am a airline pilot! I know zulu time! 

    If you believe you're not getting credit for days played, you might want to consider taking a screen shot of your CDP information from the splash screen (the screen that comes up after you click on "Play Now") on the PC after you play a round that day.

    This is what I do. Many days I only play a practice round and don't play any ranked rounds. So, I do the screen shot that shows the check mark for the day. If a person only plays a practice round, then there's nothing in your score history to prove you played. (By the way, coin matches are treated as practice rounds).

    In any case, if it came up where was a glitch with my CDP, I can send WGT proof that I did actually played a round that day. Here's an edited screen shot for today for me:


  • borntobesting
    9,747 Posts
    Thu, Jun 6 2019 11:09 PM

    If you are only playing to keep your continuous day streak alive make sure you play the same time every day. Find out exactly when the next day starts and play after the day starts every day. It’s not that hard to keep your streak going if you watch how you play every day.

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Fri, Jun 7 2019 5:19 AM


    If you are only playing to keep your continuous day streak alive make sure you play the same time every day. Find out exactly when the next day starts and play after the day starts every day. It’s not that hard to keep your streak going if you watch how you play every day ay. 


    Plus, if a person cannot remember if he or she played or not, it's pretty easy to check on the PC. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Fri, Jun 7 2019 7:37 PM


    Plus, if a person cannot remember if he or she played or not, it's pretty easy to check on the PC. 

    It is also obvious on mobile when I get on mobile.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Jun 7 2019 9:07 PM


    I play DAILY. but consecutive always reverts me back to day one!

    See this site for ZULU time OFFICIAL!

    I am a airline pilot! I know zulu time!

    I am just a simple man, so can you explain....

    You have been here since Nov 2016......yet have only risen to a Level 52 Tour Pro.....hardly the makeup of someone playing DAILY.......and as an airline pilot, you have significant downtime and restrictions on flight time.....just saying.

    Zulu time has nothing to do with a game that uses PTD.....and as WGT does not cross any time zones, you need to calculate the time to PTD regardless where in the world you are

    But then I see other posts, that you are ripped off not getting credits doing a survey.....and then make a ridiculous claim the game is rigged because you need to spend money to get better equipment....yet using balls that cost 675cr ....which I have no doubt were gifted....which was a total waste of credits with starter clubs.....could have got a decent wedge....

    Even a second officer earns an okay salary, which would allow you to spend a little money on what is a cheap form of entertainment......

    Some jockey......

    Blue skies and tailwinds

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 9:44 AM


    Some jockey......

    Blue skies and tailwinds

    LOL.  I think we need to find out which airline, if you know what I mean!

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Jun 8 2019 10:32 PM

    Zulu time has nothing to do with a game that uses PTD.....and as WGT does not cross any time zones, you need to calculate the time to PTD regardless where in the world you are
    IBTD, Alan.

    While the tourneys and the forum show the clock in P(D)T, Zulu time = UTC = GMT is driving the CDP clock. It may slip off the mind from a Down Under perspective though (?) as you are far off of both, in contrast to Europeans of Americans.

    For the sake of completeness, the third time zone active here is each player's time - the individual starting and closing times of CC tournaments are shown to all of us as "home" times.