Each time you start a round you are asked if you want to use a pass. If you say "yes" , any experience points that you earn will be matched and given to your country club. If you have only one pass it will be replaced in 12 hours so that you can have your points matched and given to your club. If you have no passes and want to contribute, you will be asked it you want to purchase a pass. That is the basic way this system operates.
This next part is the why these experience points might be important to your club. First you should know that a country club has a level just as you do. The higher the level the more perks the club has. A club that reaches level 2 gets a free putter pal for every member. Any club that reaches level 4 gets a free shot pal for every member.
These benefits continue to expand as the club gains experience points. For some clubs this is very important. For a WGT individual member wanting to get to a higher level there is the bonus XP's percent that is added every time XP's are earned. This percentage becomes larger as the club level gets higher. This can be helpful to someone close to a higher level where equipment might become available.
When you next go onto the main menu page click on your country club logo.That will bring up a page where the home page tab is highlighted. To the right is a tab listed as benefits. Click on this tab and you will get a listing of what your club has earned and what it can earn. The members tab will show you how many XP's each member has contributed to the club. The CC Passes tab tells you how many passes each member has.
To maximize the the number of points you give to your club you need to use a pass on the very first round of the day that you play. This is so the consecutive day bonus goes to your club as well as to you. And do not fail to play every day so that the this bonus does not fall back to zero.
If you make your first round an 18 hole tournament round you will get the most points available. A 9 hole round gets fewer XP's. Ranked multi-player games also earn more XP's than casual rounds.