Robert1893: But I deal with people all the time who display an arrogance well beyond what is warranted. At some point, one just wants to say to the person, "Sit down; shut up!" 😀
I think that most people reading this thread would say that you and the other "WGT forum trolls" are the ones who are being arrogant....and quite honestly, jerks.
I have a 30 year career as a Human Resource Director, so yes, I have seen more than my fair share of people like you. In many occasions, I have had to fire them.
I will refrain from visiting the WGT forum in the future, because it also reminds me of the stupid behavior I have seen in a couple of other country club forums of the two big clubs where I used to belong. I'm glad to be rid of the latter and I will also be glad to not visit this site again as well. I am here to have fun. While I am a decent player, I know that there are many who are better. If I spent all of my time entering WGT tournaments, I would likely spend as much (or more) to play in them as what I would win back in credits. But at least I can be the best at something, hahahaha!
Have fun bashing me and others in the future.