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Re: Handicaps for 1-to-1 Games

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 30 2019 5:43 AM (6 replies)
  • GordymanLG
    1 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2019 5:39 PM

    Guess because I'm an actual RL golfer, it feels like there should be an adjustment for great level disparities when the game selects a player for 1-to-1 matches like Chelsea.  If it was just coordination, like in RL golf, then I kinda get the current scheme.  But a higher level  player invariably has access to more credits and significantly better equipment which has a much bigger impact than in RL.


    How about the option to decline a game which the disparity is greater than a certain amount depending on the level of the lowest level player.  This adjustment should be proportionally decreasing as the lowest level gets higher.

    I'm level 45 and have a TM M2 driver and play a level 4 distance ball.  A level 98 just hit his ball 320 yards on his drive; I hit mine 264 right on the screws.  Makes it somewhat noncompetitive IMHO.

  • Gepetto1958
    4,295 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2019 9:37 AM

    But a higher level  player invariably has access to more credits

    Wrong!  maybe you thought of useless coins

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2019 9:41 AM

    maybe you thought of useless coins

    And the ‘gimmicky’ one armed bandit, all that for on average 100 coins a day!

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2019 9:44 AM

    Rather than playing in coin rooms you should consider ranked rounds where you can cancel  if you are paired against someone you don't want to play.

  • adrob2
    591 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2019 10:05 AM

    I would recommend sticking to the "lower" coin rooms where your pack cap aligns with your current level.  You will play more players of the same caliber than in the higher pack cap rooms.

  • fobby1980
    310 Posts
    Sat, Aug 24 2019 9:07 PM


    Guess because I'm an actual RL golfer, it feels like there should be an adjustment for great level disparities when the game selects a player for 1-to-1 matches like Chelsea.  If it was just coordination, like in RL golf, then I kinda get the current scheme.  But a higher level  player invariably has access to more credits and significantly better equipment which has a much bigger impact than in RL.


    How about the option to decline a game which the disparity is greater than a certain amount depending on the level of the lowest level player.  This adjustment should be proportionally decreasing as the lowest level gets higher.

    I'm level 45 and have a TM M2 driver and play a level 4 distance ball.  A level 98 just hit his ball 320 yards on his drive; I hit mine 264 right on the screws.  Makes it somewhat noncompetitive IMHO.

    But there’s built-in handicaps for h2h games, which are different tees for different tiers. Depending on the course, these differences might be several yards (Bethpage), or massive (Wolf Creek). You’re a TP, so for most games you already enjoy this advantage. Now sometimes you do run into a level 95 TP (lol I sure have), but the majority will be TM and Legend. They earned these better equipments in order to be able to handle the back tees. 

  • middbrew
    319 Posts
    Fri, Aug 30 2019 5:43 AM

    If you are looking to play H2H games you might want to consider joining an active country club and playing against other members. In these matches the tees are based on the tiers and help to even out the playing field. It is also a fun way to enjoy the comradery and make some friends along the way with other club members. 

    I say this because you seem to want to play H2H games. You belong to a club that almost all of the members are inactive and you only have one friend on your list that isn't even in the same club. There are a lot of country clubs out there that are very active and members enjoy the interaction with each other.