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Re: Names

Sat, Jul 20 2024 5:36 PM (22 replies)
  • Senga20
    3,046 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2019 7:10 PM


    I've seen a few names in my day that really made me say WTF??   but I just move on.  However, I'm sure that if someone complained to WGT about a certain screen name that just so happened to go against the Terms & Conditions then something would probably be done about it.   But if it just offends someone but is within the T&C's, then tuff chit I would say.  


    From the T&C


    Each user will either select a username or allow WGT to automatically select a username at random. Additionally, users may form "teams" and such teams will be required to choose a team name. When you choose a username, team name or otherwise create a label that can be seen by other players using the games, you must abide by the following guidelines as well as the rules of common decency. If WGT finds such a label to be offensive or improper, it may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change the name, remove the label and corresponding chat room, and/or suspend or terminate your use of the games.

    In particular, you may not use any name:

    1. Belonging to another person, including pop culture figures or celebrities, with the intent to impersonate that person, including without limitation a "Game Master" or any other employee or agent of WGT;

    2. That incorporates vulgar language or which are otherwise offensive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

    3. Subject to the rights of any other person or entity without written authorization from that person or entity;

    4. That is, contains, or is substantially similar to a trademark or service mark, whether registered or not;

    5. That is intended to inflame, trash-talk, or provoke a reaction from the community;

    6. Taken from WGT's products;

    7. Related to drugs, sex, alcohol, or any criminal activity;

    8. Comprised of gibberish (e.g., "Asdfasdf", "Jjxccm", "Hvlldrm"), URLs, spam, or anything that is intended to solicit other players for commercial purposes;

    9. You may not use a misspelling or an alternative spelling to circumvent the name restrictions listed above, nor can you have a "first" and "last" name that, when combined, violate the above name restrictions.

    10. Each user participating on the Site and/or through the Application(s) may have only one player Account. If you wish to create a new player Account, please contact us at If WGT determines that you have more than one Account, all Accounts created subsequent to the first Account may be automatically terminated without notice. Continued violation of the Terms & Conditions, including the creation of more than one player Account, may result in the termination of all of your player Accounts. Your Account is non transferable. You may not allow any other person to use your player Account to access WGT, participate in any tournament or game, or to accept any winnings related to your player Account.

    Thank you for sharing the T&C’s.  

    So what happened with Number 7 I wonder 🤔  It would appear all too many didn’t bother to read them when they signed up for this online GOLF game. 

    Names are the least of the problem.  Come on WGT time to clean it up!




  • AlexBorgesjr
    1,309 Posts
    Sat, Aug 31 2019 9:53 PM

    It's one thing to find something offensive, a word, a nasty word, or even hate speech, but I played sports many many years ago competitive sports including golf for about 29 years, being offended by one word isnt the same as two people or two teams talking smack, Like in my teens and early 20's I boxed and everybody told me they were going to tear me up or knock me out, well almost everybody, same in golf , every foursome I played in had 1 or 2 smack talkers sometimes I would even join in. We have to take almost everything we hear that's not real with a grain of salt, ignor it, They evenually will get tired or come to there senses who wants a foolish name attached them for life. And if they do, well that speaks for it self.   

  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Sat, Jul 20 2024 5:36 PM

    So much for the T&C's

    I have already emailed WGT on why in the game chat we cannot say mild expletives such as Damn or Bloody, but yet WGT allow players with screen names such as FUSTFICKER and JACKMEEOF to name only 2. utter disgraceful, this game has certainly gone down the toilet since the intro of mobile.

    Incidentally in response to my email regarding the above 2 mentioned players WGT SAID NOTHING,  I got no response


