What may work for you, not necessarily works for everyone. I use 5.0 meter ball, and I couldn’t even catch it most of the time. For me it’s the age factor, eyes aren’t as good.
I get it, I believe you play mobile and for me... I notice the meter speeds much more with wedges on the mobile platform, moreso than on the desktop platform.
whether it is the larger screen and more viewing time to watch the meter sweep, I believe desktop players find it easier to make this subtle adjustment. so... having consistent meter speed for wedges does make a difference at least for me especially when playing on mobile.
while it is not my favorite I opted for the max wedge for the meter speed... it does have some shortcomings compared to the Cleveland out of rough and bunkers but my timing is better so the small benefits of the Cleveland are offset by the miss dings I end up having.
I would still like to see a 64deg wedge consistent with the PM Grind line but I have posted on it enough with no response so I am not holding my breath. At this point, while I prefer the 50y version either version would be a slight improvement over what we have …
but chances are... it probably wouldn't change scoring all that much... it is just preference at this point. We have been left to adapt to what is available for so long... and the more time they allow us to do so... it may actually hurt sales... you still see lots of people carrying their old Nike equipment and that stuff was phased out before I even started playing. why change what you know like the back of your hand... mostly impacts newer players possibly.