Any news of an update on this for iOS please?
As others have commented the new meter continues to negatively affect gameplay - the bars on SP are now far too narrow, thus making setting a precise distance little more than guesswork.
Several complaints from mobile players within my CC’s forum. Due to the above it simply isn’t physically possible to adapt to this new meter as it is on a small screen!
I frankly don’t much care for the aesthetics of the meter either way - have always thought the game looks great on mobile, still does - nor do I care much if the meter ‘seems’ quicker or slower - any decent player can adapt to such changes thru time, usually quite quickly.
What I/we CANNOT adapt to is attempting to precisely set a distance within these now tiny 10% SP sections. With a 3iron in your hand that makes the difference between 2-3 yards away ultimately....
Would staff kindly advise please?